
(Darren Dugan) #1


The 1st Sector: The Obscure Sector 8

"Obscure," is Lewi's word and it may be a tad too harsh.
Perhaps, "private" or "formative" might better describe it.
When Saturn hits the ascendant, or 1st house cusp, this
is the most abrupt or marked point of change in the
entire 30-year cycle, according to the experts. The past
outer and public life comes to an end, and is just
dropped... or, we let it drop away.

And, it does seem to me to be a fact that during this 1st
sector (1st, 2nd, and 3rd houses) we really are on our
own in a new way. We are deep in there, deep within
ourselves, and others may have a very difficult time
reaching us and offering us any help. For a time, we are
somehow beyond reach, just ‘in there’ on our own. We
have to figure it out for ourselves.

It has been written, and it seems so, that this sector
tends to be the hardest of all to work through—for every

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