person gets busy building or investing, while others
seem to be harvesting the results of their work. The
result stage of the early riser is delayed until later in
their 30s, when Saturn crosses the 4th house cusp once
again, and begins to rise through the chart, bringing a
new cycle of social prominence and the results of all the
more recent investment work.
Saturn on the Fourth House Cusp
With Saturn at the bottom of the chart at birth, in or
around the 4th house cusp, we have a somewhat
different scenario, in that the child, from day one, is
already on an upswing and moving upward through the
right-hand side of the chart; therefore, at around 7- 8
years of age, we have a very socially prominent child,
one perhaps already reaping some sort of success at an
early age, perhaps being some sort of child prodigy.