
(Darren Dugan) #1


beginning of the descent to eventually meet that 4th
house cusp again.

What is being left behind (which should be easy to see
and understand) is all of the success or returns you
have achieved over the last 14 years or so—whatever
these may be. This last number of years saw you taking
increasing control of your life and circumstances, as well
as having the vision and clear-sightedness to make the
right decisions—separating the wheat from the chaff
and gathering together the rewards you earned. These
should have been years of some success, with a
harvesting of whatever seeds you had sown many years
before; so, point one is that you are now done with this
period and should not expect more of the same to
continue. It's done. You have made your push, sown
your seeds, and reaped your return or harvest, whatever
it may be. While you can expect to continue to benefit
from whatever it is you have put into motion up to this
point, this is NOT the time to push on or to start
anything new.

The second and most important point is that you WILL
be experiencing something new, but this will be
something coming up from within you, not from
outside—as you have come to expect during these last
number of years. You will absolutely want to take
advantage of everything you have learned up to this
point, benefiting from your success up to now, but it is
crucial that you let go of what has driven you forward up
to this point, and begin to develop and take a different
and more receptive attitude.

By receptive, what is meant here is that it is time to
begin listening to your own inner voice. It can be easy to
ignore this at first, but this inner message will grow
increasingly stronger as time passes, so it is to your
advantage to learn to hear it early on and to begin

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