fits—for here is the pure ride of the senses, the living
end (our self) of all this investment and work—our
experience. This is it, and this marks a major turning
point upward in the chart. From this point on, we will
gradually begin to emerge or come out, becoming
aware of what we have been in and going through all of
these last years. Awareness begins to dawn here...
although very, very slowly, at first. Our life is changing.
And, although it tends to be very gradual, each passing
day brings increasing awareness. It is like the Sun
coming up, or winter turning into spring—very slow, but
always it becomes lighter. This transition marks the end
of all the years of our effort and investment. We have
put the rabbit into the hat and now we can begin to take
it out; above all, keep in mind that it is we who are
coming out. If anything is coming out of all of this, it is
our self. We begin to discover our self and what we
have done—who we are.
Saturn, at this point in the chart, begins to rise, and that
rise will take fourteen to fifteen years, until it crests at
the 10th house cusp. These are years in which we can
increasingly take charge of our own life, for, during this
time, our understanding and awareness of our self and
how to use what is available to us in the world grows.
Our manipulating skills increase. We slowly learn to use
the world and everything in it.