
(Darren Dugan) #1


We try to keep the essence here, be it wisdom or reality,
of everything we have been through. Whatever remains,
good or bad, will be seed for our next cycle. We are
talking of essential things here, of things that endure—
whatever lasts longest, the very truth (the truth for us)
itself. This truth kernel we have accumulated is what
must serve to start our future. It is the seed essence of
our experience.

As Saturn crosses the 10th house cusp, this seed
sprouts or releases its message; it is perhaps so very
deep within us that we can, at first, only feel it as a
vibration— like a bell ringing within us.

The Saturn Passage

There is nothing as fresh as "the first time," and it is the
first round of Saturn, culminating at age 30, when all
is—oh, so new. Until Saturn makes its first return,
completing its cycle, and begins repeating that cycle, we

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