Awareness of the Saturn Return
If we live long enough, we each have our Saturn
return—rich and poor alike. Luckily, this is something we
can learn about and become aware of before, during, or
after the actual return itself. It is most difficult to explain
this concept to people who have not finished their first
Saturn return. Sure, they can grasp it intellectually, but
they have no idea, really, of what one is actually talking
about. It simply does not register. They may think they
get it, but it is all intellectual.
When someone is approaching or going through their
Saturn return, it is much easier to get his or her attention,
easier to point out and have them understand what we
have been describing here. Of course, easiest of all—
although still not a slam dunk—is telling someone about
this event later in their life. As with The Tibetan Book of
the Dead, a book you read to the dead or dying, and
one which describes possible travels in the after-life