
(Darren Dugan) #1

Astronomy for Astrologers

North and South Circles

Ann Arbor is located at point '5' on the rotating Earth.
Star 'a' is directly overhead at what is called the zenith.
As the Earth turns, it will carry Ann Arbor to point '6', '7',
and on around in a circle until point '5' is reached once
again. There is also another circle of stars that pass
exactly under Ann Arbor on the far side of the Earth,
each day. This circle would be those stars located at a
declination circle of -42° (42 degrees south declination).
Every city on Earth could be described in terms of the
kind of stars and other objects that make up the
declination circles that equal the circle of geographic
latitude at which they are located.

Cities on the Same Meridian

What we have done for the declination factor on the
celestial sphere we can also do for the right ascension
or longitude equivalent in this coordinate system. Right

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