Astronomy for Astrologers
Longitude Meridian
We have seen how there is a circle of stars on the
celestial sphere that equals the circle of geographic
latitude for any spot on Earth. We can do the same for
the geographic longitude factor. In fact, we do this each
time we cast a natal chart and locate the Local Sidereal
Time (LST) or Right Ascension of the Mid-Heaven
(RAMC). We stop the Earth's motion and hold it still
(frozen in time) to see what part of the heavens is
overhead at our birth place. Another way of saying this
is: we determine in what direction, in relation to the
heavenly sphere, the Earth was pointed or oriented.
Once we have found the LST or RAMC for a birth, we
can look up the equivalent Midheaven (M.C.),
ascendant and house-cusps in any Table-of-Houses.
We can also look up the direction of the heavens "out-