
(Ann) #1

scale not seen since widespread corruption kept muckrakers
busy early in the twentieth century. Instant communication and
globalization are our new realities, and, as a result, the markets
dance to hitherto unheard-of rhythms. The character of work
itself has changed, as more and more people have a string of
careers instead of making a lifetime commitment to a single in-
stitu tion. J. Paul Getty once said that he had three secrets for
success: one, get up early; two, work hard; three, find oil.
Somehow nothing seems that simple anymore.
Change cannot be viewed as the enemy—instead, it is the
source of both personal growth and organizational salvation.
Only by changing themselves can organizations get back into
the game and get to the heart of things.
There are three major forces working on the world today:

  • Technology
    The most significant invention of the last fifty years is
    the integrated circuit. Forty workers can now produce
    what it once took 1,200 workers to produce. Someone
    said that factories of the future will be run by a man and a
    dog. The man’s role will be to feed the dog. The dog’s
    role will be to prevent the man from touching the ma-
    chinery. Change manto person, and the observation con-
    tinues to ring true.
    The computer and the creation of the World Wide Web
    have transformed the world. The web has sped the cre-
    ation of virtual communities, groups of like-minded people
    who would never have found each other without it. The
    results have been positive and negative. Creative collabora-
    tion is now possible on an unprecedented scale, by people
    based all over the world. Today, backyard astronomers help

On Becoming a Leader
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