
(Ann) #1
thanks to a contract that required Universal and, later, Vivendi
to compensate them if the parent company’s stock plummeted.
Alpert and Moss were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of
Fame in 2007. They received the President's Merit Award at
the 2008 Grammy Awards.

Gloria Anderson

A graduate of the University of Texas School of Journalism
with an MA from the University of Wisconsin, Anderson has
been a reporter for the Associated Press, an editor at the
Cincinnati Enquirerand the Charlotte Observer, managing editor
of the Knight-Ridder news wire, and managing editor of the
Miami News. She was founding editor and co-publisher of
Miami Todayand editor and publisher of the Kendall Gazettein
suburban Miami. Formerly head of The New York TimesSyndi-
cate, she is now vice president for international and editorial
development in the News Services Division of the Times. She
has served as a Pulitzer Prize juror and as president of the
World Editors Forum.

Anne L. Bryant

Born in 1949 in the Boston area, Bryant has a BA in English
from Simmons College and a doctorate in education from the
University of Massachusetts. She was vice president of the
professional education division of P. M. Haeger & Associates,
a Chicago-based association management firm, from 1974 to

  1. She then became executive director of the American As-
    socia tion of University Women, a national organization that
    promotes equity for women and girls in education and other
    arenas. She is now executive director of the National School
    Boards Association, which represents the concerns of more


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