
(Ann) #1
of Columbia/Embassy Television, overseeing every aspect of
production. She later became CBS’s executive vice president for
prime-time programming. She was a co-founder of the Holly-
wood Women's Political Committee. Corday now teaches at
the University of Southern California, where she is chair of the
division of film and TV production in its School of Cinema-

Horace B. Deets

Deets came up through the ranks of the American Association
of Retired Persons, now AARP, and was elected executive di-
rector by the board at the age of 50. Under his leadership, the
organization became increasingly visible, helping give voice to
the burgeoning group of Americans over 50. Prior to joining
AARP, Deets worked for the Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission. Once a teacher and school administrator in Ala-
bama, he has a BA from St. Bernard College in Alabama and a
master’s degree from Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
After thirteen years as executive director of AARP, Deets re-
tired in 2002 to become a senior advisor to its new leadership.
He is now the chair of HelpAge International America, a
global not-for-profit organization working to improve the lives
of disadvantaged older people. He is also a research fellow at
MIT’s Age Lab, as well as a visiting research fellow at the Uni-
versity of Oxford's Institute of Ageing.

Robert R. Dockson

A native of Illinois, Dockson took both a master’s degree and a
doctorate at the University of Southern California. After four
years in the Navy in World War II, he taught at Rutgers Univer-
sity, then spent six years as a financial economist. In 1954, he was


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