
(Ann) #1
Wilson Learning Interactive Technology Group in Santa Fe,
New Mexico, in partnership with Wiley. He is also the founder
of the Alliance for Learning, a consortium of major corpora-
tions dedicated to advancing adult learning, and a much
sought-after organizational consultant.

Renn Zaphiropoulos

Born in Greece, the son of a sea captain, Zaphiropoulos was
raised in Egypt. He has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
physics from Lehigh University and is the holder of dozens of
patents. His work as assistant director for research and devel-
opment at Chromatic Television Laboratories led to the de-
velopment of Trinitron. A pioneer in electrostatic printing, in
1969, he co-founded Versatec, the world’s leading manufac-
turer of electrostatic printers and plotters, which merged with
Xerox in 1979. Now retired from Xerox, he is a frequent lec-
turer at universities and in other forums, a consultant, author,
sailor, breeder of Shire horses, and chef.


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