Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

H.n. heroin. (Drugs.) Now he’s shooting
H. First it was M.; now it’s H.

habitn. an addiction to a drug. She has
to steal to support her habit. There are
many treatment programs to help with
drug habits.

hack 1. n. a taxi. Go out to the street and
see if you can get a hack. I drove a hack
for a few months; then I quit. 2. n. a
cough. That’s a nasty hack you’ve got
there. A hack like that can lead to pneu-
monia. 3. n. a professional writer who
writes mediocre material to order. This
novel shows that even a hack can get some-
thing published these days. That hack
can’t even write her name! 4. n. a reporter.
She was a hack for the newspaper for a
while. Newspaper hacks have to know
a little of everything. 5. tv. to write clumsy
or inefficient computer programs. I
can hack a program for you, but it won’t
be what you want. Well, I can hack my-
self. 6. tv. to break into a computer elec-
tronically to steal data or corrupt it or for
the challenge of breaking in. Somebody
hacked our system. I’m gonna hack the
bank’s computer because they bounced a
check of mine. 7. tv. to annoy someone.
(See also hacked (off).) This really
hacks me. That kind of behavior hacks
her a lot. 8. n. anyone who does poor or
undesirable work. Oh, he’s just a hack.
What can you expect? There’s always
plenty of work for a hack. 9. n. a prison
guard. Watch out, man. The hacks are

hack aroundin. to waste time. You guys
are always hacking around. Get busy! I
wanted to hack around for a year after col-
lege, but my finances disagreed.

hacked[hAkt] mod. worn-out; ready to
quit. What a day! I’m hacked. We
were all hacked at the end of the climb.

hacked (off)mod. angry; annoyed. 
Wally was really hacked off about the ac-
cident. Oh, Wally is always hacked
about something.

hacker 1. n. a taxi driver. That hacker
nearly ran into the back of my car! Yo u
wonder how some of these hackers keep
their licenses. 2. n. a sloppy or inefficient
computer programmer. This program
was written by a real hacker. It’s a mess,
but it works. I may be a hacker, but I get
the job done. 3. n. a generally unsuccess-
ful person. Poor Pete is just a hacker.
He’ll never go any place. Hackers keep
trying, but they never succeed. 4. n. some-
one who breaks into a computer elec-
tronically. Some hacker broke into our
computer! Some hackers are really good

hack ittv. to stand up to something; to en-
dure something. It’s hard, but I’m sure
I can hack it. I’m afraid you can’t hack
it. It just isn’t working out.

hadGo to taken.

hairball 1. and furballn. an obnoxious
person. I wish that the guys I date didn’t
always turn out to be hairballs. Stop
being such a furball, Wally. 2. exclam.
How awful! (Usually Hairball!An excla-
mation of disgust. From the name of the
undigested mass of fur vomited by a cat.)
Hairball! I did it wrong again! Oh, I
hate that dork! Hairball!

hairymod. hazardous; difficult. That was
a hairy experience! Wow, that’s hairy!
What a hairy ride!


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