Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
hay burner was around trying to sell raf-
f le tickets that looked handmade. An-
other hay head came in and applied for the

hay headGo to hay burner.

hayseedn. a farmer; a rustic character,
usually a male. I’m not just some hay-
seed fresh off the farm. It’s hard for these
hayseeds to adjust to city life.

haywire[“hewaIr] 1. mod. out of order.
(Folksy.) This telephone has gone hay-
wire. My stereo is haywire, so I’ve been
listening to the radio. 2. mod. disoriented.
(Often from marijuana.) Wally is sort
of haywire from the grass. Bart has been
haywire for years.

hazel[“hezl] n. heroin. (Drugs. A variety of
H.) Gert needs some hazel, but anything
will help her. She wants to spend the
evening with hazel.

head 1. n. a headache. Man, do I have a
head. You got any aspirin? Music that
loud gives me a head. 2. ahead n. a hang-
over. (Always with a in this sense.) 
Boy, do I have a head this morning. 
How do you get rid of a head so you can
go to work? 3. n. a toilet; a restroom.
(Originally nautical. Usually with the.) 
Where’s the head around here? Ralph
is in the head. He’ll be back in a minute.

  1. n. a member of the drug culture; a hip-
    pie or a person who drops out of main-
    stream society because of drug use.
    (From the 1960s and 1970s.) You still
    see a few heads around, even today. 
    Some of the heads became very, very
    straight. 5. n. a smart person; an intel-
    lectual person. Bob’s a real head. He
    gets straight As. I’m no head, but I am
    sure you made a mistake in your addition.

headache 1. n. an annoying person or
thing. Here comes that Ken Johnson.
He’s a real headache. Cars can be such
a headache. 2. n. liquor. Pour me some
more of that headache, will you? Give
the man some more headache.

headache department 1. n. a central
source of unnecessary problems; a per-
son who habitually causes problems. 
Here’s another memo from the headache

department. Mrs. Wilson is my least fa-
vorite headache department. 2. and
headache housen. a liquor store or de-
partment. I stopped in at the headache
department for some supplies. The
headache house is having a special on gin.
headache houseGo to headache de-
headache mann. a male law enforcement
agent. The headache man was here to
see you, Ernie. Who gave that hot tip to
the headache man?
headbonen. the skull. I got a nasty
bump on my headbone. Do you want I
should conk your headbone, or will you be
coming along politely?
head cook and bottle washer and chief
cook and bottle washern. someone
who is in charge of something trivial. 
I’m the head cook and bottle washer
around here. I want to see the chief cook
and bottle washer.
head drugn. a drug that affects the mind
rather than the body; a psychoactive
drug. It’s these head drugs that get the
kids into so much trouble. Head drugs
are just as addictive as other drugs, but in
a different way.
headfuckern. a person, situation, or a
drug that confuses someone or disorients
someone mentally. (Taboo. Usually ob-
jectionable.) This day was a real head-
fucker! Why did you have to lay this
headfucker on me?
head hunttv. & in. to recruit someone (for
a job). He went to the conference to
head hunt a new employee. All the man-
agers were there to head hunt.
headhuntern. someone who recruits ex-
ecutives for employment. (Head means
bosshere.) The board of directors hired
a headhunter to get a new manager. The
headhunter brought in a few candidates,
but nobody promising.
head-jobn. an act of oral sex performed
on the penis. (Usually objectionable.) 
The hooker asked him if he wanted a head-
job. He wanted a head-job, but would
settle for almost anything.

hay head

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