Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
street clothes. 6. n. the power of a car’s en-
gine as reflected in the car’s ability to
reach a high speed quickly. This car has
more pickup than I really need. Little
cars hardly ever have enough pickup.

pick up on somethingin. to become alert
to something; to take notice of some-
thing; to learn or catch on to something.
She’s real sharp. She picks up on every-
thing. The cop picked up on the word

picky 1. mod. choosy. Don’t be so picky.
They’re all the same. Red, blue, green!
What’s the difference? You are too picky. 2.
mod. overly critical. Complain, com-
plain! What a picky old lady. I have to
do it exactly right. My boss is very picky.

picnicn. a good time; an easy time. What
a great class! Every day was a real picnic.
Nothing to it. A real picnic. It wasn’t
a terrible day, but it was no picnic.

piddle 1. in. to urinate. (Said of children
and pets.) Mommy! Jimmy’s got to pid-
dle! Please, Jimmy, don’t piddle on the
floor. 2. n. urine. Where’s the dog?
There’s piddle on the carpet. Don’t step
in the puppy’s piddle. 3. Go to piddle

piddle (around)in. to waste time; to work
aimlessly or inefficiently. Stop piddling
around! Get to work! Can’t you get se-
rious and stop piddling?

piddlern. someone who wastes time. 
Bob is such a piddler. He can’t seem to get
organized and get down to work. That
piddler will never get anywhere in life.

piddlingmod. inadequate; meager; tiny.
(See also piss-poor; piddle.) What a
piddling amount of money! I can’t live on
that. That is a piddling steak. I want a
big one.

piece 1. n. a sexually attractive (young)
woman. (Crude.) She’s a real piece! 
Who’s that piece I saw you with last night?

  1. n. a gun, especially a revolver. (Un-
    derworld.) Is that guy carrying a piece?
    Okay, this gun is aimed at your head.
    Drop your piece. 3. n. a tiny ponytail
    worn by males. Even the little boys—

six and seven years old—want to wear a
piece. Tony pointed out that lots of pi-
rates wore pieces.

piece of ass and hunk of ass; hunk of
tail; piece of snatch; piece of tail 1. n.
someone considered as a partner in cop-
ulation. (Usually a female. Usually ob-
jectionable.) Man, isn’t she a fine look-
ing piece of ass? Man, isn’t he a fine
looking piece of snatch? 2. n. an act of
copulation; copulation with someone.
(Usually objectionable.) If Todd doesn’t
get a hunk of tail once a day, he’s real

piece of cake 1. n. something easy to do.
No problem. When you know what
you’re doing, it’s a piece of cake. Glad
to help. It was a piece of cake. 2. exclam.
It’s a piece of cake!; It’s easy! (Usually
Piece of cake!) No problem, piece of
cake! Rescuing drowning cats is my spe-
cialty. Piece of cake!

piece of snatchGo to piece of ass.

piece of tailGo to piece of ass.

piece (of the action) and bit of the ac-
tion; slice of the actionn. a share in the
activity or the profits. (Especially gam-
bling activity.) If you get in on that real
estate deal, I want a piece, too. Deal
Tom in. He wants a piece of the action. 
Don’t be selfish. Give me a slice of the

pie-eyed 1. mod. wide-eyed with amaze-
ment. He didn’t cry out. He just stood
there pie-eyed. Why are all those peo-
ple pie-eyed? What happened? 2. mod. al-
cohol intoxicated. That guy is really
pie-eyed. Send him home. We’v e got a
pie-eyed bus driver. I want to get off!

pie holeGo to word hole.

pie in the sky 1. n. a reward; a special
heavenly reward. Don’t hold out for pie
in the sky. Get realistic. If he didn’t hope
for some heavenly pie in the sky, he would
probably be a real crook. 2. mod. having
to do with a hope for a special reward.
(This is hyphenated before a nominal.) 
Get rid of your pie-in-the-sky ideas! 

pick up on something

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