Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
The senators were pow-wowing on how
to get the law passed.

pratfalln. a fall on the buttocks; a fall on
the buttocks done as part of a comedy
act. I took a pratfall right on the side-
walk. If you want to be in musical com-
edy, you should learn to take a pratfall.

prat(t)n. the buttocks. Get out before I
kick you in the pratt. Your father will
spank your prat.

prayerbonesn. the knees. Okay, down
on your prayerbones. He pushed one of
his prayerbones into my gut.

pray to the enamel godGo to pray to the
porcelain god.

pray to the porcelain god and pray to
the enamel godin. to empty one’s stom-
ach; to vomit. (Refers to being on one’s
knees [praying] in front of a porcelain
toilet bowl.) Boy, was I sick. I was pray-
ing to the porcelain god for two hours. 
Wayne was in the john, praying to the
enamel god. I think I’d better go home
and pray to the porcelain god.

preemien. a premature baby. (Medical.) 
There were two preemies born today. I
was a preemie.

pregmod. pregnant. Doesn’t Sally look a
little preg? Nobody is ever just a little

prelimsn. preliminary examinations. (Col-
legiate.) I hope I pass my prelims. 
What do you have to do to get the degree
after you pass your prelims?

preppie and preppy 1. mod. in the man-
ner or style of a student at a preparatory
school. I just love your preppy coat. 
Preppy clothes are almost out of style. 2. n.
a young person who dresses and acts like
a student at a preparatory school. 
Those preppies are having fun now, but
how will they support themselves? Do all
preppies become yuppies?

preservedmod. alcohol intoxicated. (See
also pickled.) He’s really preserved. 
He drank a quart of vodka and is totally

press (the) fleshtv. to shake hands. (See
also flesh-presser.) Hey, chum! Glad to
press f lesh with you! He wanted to press
the f lesh, but I refused even to touch him.

press the panic buttonGo to hit the
panic button.

prettymod. very. Bob’s a pretty nice guy.
I’m pretty busy at the moment.

pretty pennyn. a sizeable amount of
money. I imagine that your jacket cost
you a pretty penny. This watch cost me
a pretty penny, and I intend to take care
of it.

prexyn. a president. The prexy broke the
tied vote. This year’s prexy will retire
in March.

pric(e)ymod. expensive. This stuff is too
pricey. That’s a pretty pricy car. Do
you have anything less pricy?

prick 1. n. the penis. (Usually objection-
able.) He held his hands over his prick
and ran for the bedroom. 2. n. a stupid or
obnoxious male. (Usually objectionable.)
You stupid prick! Get out of here!

primedmod. alcohol or drug intoxicated.
The entire fraternity got primed. The
whole college was primed by midnight.

primo[“primo] 1. mod. great; first-class. 
This pizza is really primo. Sally is primo.
You can’t do better than Sally. 2. Go to
(el) primo.

Prince Albertn. cannabis in general, es-
pecially marijuana sold or transported in
a Prince Albert™ pipe tobacco can.
(From the 1960s, but still heard.) I’ve
heard that Max smokes Prince Albert. 
Where can I get a can of Prince Albert?

priorn. a prior arrest. (Underworld.) 
This guy has about fifteen priors. Have
you ever had a prior, young man?

private eyen. a detective who is licensed
to work privately rather than for a police
department. I worked for a while as a
private eye. The cops don’t like private
eyes much.


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