Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
quarter to call the cops. Don’t be such
a scrooge! All I want is a buck!

scrounge (around (for someone or
something))[skraUndZ...] in. to look
around for someone or something; to
seek someone or something in every
likely place. Try to scrounge around for
somebody to go to the party with, why
don’t you? I don’t think there is anybody
who will go with me, but I’ll scrounge
around. Ask John to scrounge around for
a wrench.

scrounge someone or something uptv.
to get someone or something somehow.
I scrounged a doctor up in the middle
of the night. TSee if you can scrounge up
a new carburetor by noon.

scrubtv. to cancel something. We had
to scrub the whole plan because of the
weather. The manager scrubbed the
party because people wouldn’t cooperate.

scrudn. a serious disease; a sexually trans-
mitted disease. (Military.) Oh, hell! I
think I got the scrud! Poor dumb Char-
lie can’t tell scrud from crotch rot.

scruff(y)[“skr@f(i)] mod. sloppy; unkempt.
Her boyfriend is a little scruffy, but he’s
got billies! Why don’t you clean up this
scruff car? It’s—like—grody!

scrump[skr@mp] tv. & in. to copulate
[with] someone. (Usually objectionable.)
You know what! I think those people
over by the garage are scrumping! The
movie showed a scene of some woman
scrumping her lover.

scrumptious[“skr@mpS@s] mod. excellent;
tasty. That cake is just scrumptious,
Mary. What’s in it? Who makes the most
scrumptious chocolate chip cookies in the
world—besides me, that is?

scrunch[skr@ntS] tv. to crush or crunch.
I sat on my cookies and scrunched them.
I hate crowds. I am afraid people will
scrunch me.

scrunge[skr@ndZ] n. nastiness; gunk. 
What is this scrunge on my shoe? When
you find some scrunge on your shoe or
something, never try to find out what it
is. Just wipe it off.

scrungy[“skr@ndZi] 1. mod. filthy. This
place is too scrungy for me. I’m outa here.
What a scrungy guy. Put him some-
where to soak for a day or two. 2. mod.
inferior; bad. I don’t need scrungy mer-
chandise like this. I’m going elsewhere. 
You have a very scrungy outlook on life.
Life is scrungy.
SCSI and scuzzy[“sk@zi] n. small computer
system interface. (Computers. Acronym.)
Come over and see my new SCSI. It lets
me run a hard disc. Why do they call it
a scuzzy? Why not just say what it is?
scum 1. n. a totally worthless and disgust-
ing person. (Rude and derogatory.) Yo u
scum! Get out of here! 2. n. low-life in
general; disgusting and worthless people.
(Rude and derogatory.) Fourth Street is
where all the scum in town hangs out. 3.
n. semen; seminal fluid. (Usually objec-
tionable.) You’d better clean up the
scum from the backseat before you take the
car home.
scumbag 1. n. a condom; a used condom.
(Usually objectionable.) I saw a used
scumbag in the school parking lot. We ll ,
what the hell do you do with a scumbag,
after? 2. n. a totally disgusting person.
(Rude and derogatory.) Oh, he’s a
scumbag. I wouldn’t be seen dead with
scupper upin. to drink liquor, especially
beer. Tom goes home to scupper up
every evening. Come on, you guys.
Scupper up, and let’s get outa here.
scurvy[“sk#vi] mod. repulsive; gross. (Col-
legiate.) Who is that scurvy guy who just
came in? That class is scurvy. You’ll wish
you hadn’t taken it.
scut[sk@t] n. a despicable person. (Teens
and collegiate.) How can you be, like,
such a scut? It’s scuts like that who give
all us really rad kids a bad name.
scuttlebuttn. gossip. What’s the scuttle-
butt on the steeple clock? Why did it stop?
Don’t pay any attention to the scuttle-
butt around here.
scuz(z)[sk@z] 1. n. filth. What is this
scuzz all over the f loor? There is some
scuzz on your shoe. 2. n. a nasty person;

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