Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
Military. Usually objectionable.) Oh,
no, it’s shit on a shingle again tonight. 
This shit on a shingle tastes like what it is.

shit on someone 1. in. to defecate on
someone. (Usually objectionable.) 
That damn cat shit on me! Watc h out!
That cow almost shit on you! 2. in. to treat
someone very badly. (Usually objection-
able.) The prof shit on the whole class
by assigning a paper due Monday morn-
ing. The Internal Revenue Service really
shit on me this year.

Shit or get off the pot!in. Do something
or go away!; Do something or give some-
one else a chance!; Hurry up! (Usually
objectionable.) Hurry up with it, Fred!
Shit or get off the pot! Shit or get off the
pot! Make up your mind.

theshitsn. diarrhea. (Usually objection-
able.) I can’t eat that stuff. It always
gives me the shits.

shitsky[“SItski] 1. n. dung. (Usually ob-
jectionable.) There’s some shitsky on
your shoe. Some rude dog has left a lit-
tle pile of grade-A shitsky on the sidewalk.

  1. n. a despicable person. (Rude and de-
    rogatory.) The stupid shitsky is back on
    skag again. With a shitsky like that on
    your side, who needs enemies?

shitstick 1. n. a wretched and undesirable
person. (Rude and derogatory.) Why
are you such a shitstick all the time? Is
that little shitstick giving you trouble,
Doreen? 2. n. a rod of dung. (Usually ob-
jectionable.) How would you like a shit-
stick in your lap? Who left the shitsticks
f loating in the john?

shitty 1. mod. covered or soiled with dung.
(Usually objectionable.) I got my shoes
all shitty. Get that shitty shovel out of
the garage and clean it. 2. mod. lousy; rot-
ten. (Usually objectionable.) This has
been a real shitty trip for me. I’m tired
of being treated like I’m some sort of shitty
bum. 3. Go to shit-faced.

shitty end of the stickn. the bad side of
a bargain; the troublesome part of a
transaction. (Usually objectionable.) If
you don’t want to get stuck with the shitty
end of the stick, you’d better make your

plans carefully. Well, it looks like I got
stuck with the shitty end of the stick again.
shiv and chiv[SIv] 1. n. a knife. (Under-
world.) Swiftly and silently his shiv
found its way up under Rocko’s ribs. All for
a silly dame. I could tell from the way
his cuff broke that there was a chiv
strapped to his leg. 2. tv. to stab some-
one. (Underworld.) He shivved Rocko,
and Rocko deserved it. The boss told
Ziggy to get Rocko one way or the other—
shiv him, burn him, clobber him—but get
shlemielGo to schlemiel.
shlepGo to schlep.
shlepperGo to schlepper.
shlimazlGo to schlemazel.
shlumpGo to schloomp.
shmaltzGo to schmaltz.
shmaltzyGo to schmaltzy.
shmen[SmEn] n. freshmen. A couple of
shmen wandered by—looking sort of lost.
The shmen are having a party all to
themselves this Friday.
shmendrickGo to schmendrick.
shmoGo to schmo.
shmoeGo to schmo.
shmoozeGo to schmooze.
shnazzGo to snazz.
shnazzyGo to snazzy.
shnockeredGo to schnockered.
shnookGo to schnook.
shnozzGo to schnozz.
shockern. something shocking. Now,
here’s a shocker for you. Her news was
quite a shocker.
shocksn. shock absorbers in an automo-
bile. That hog Cadillac needs new
shocks. How much is a set of shocks for
a buggy like this?
shoe polishn. liquor; whiskey; inferior
whiskey. Why don’t you give that
cruddy shoe polish to the cat? The old

shoe polish
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