slap happymod. silly; giddy. I get slap
happy when I have to stay up this late.
She’s a little slap happy, but a tremendous
slap in the facen. an insult; a rejection.
That remark was a real slap in the face.
Her departure was a slap in the face to
the manager who had refused to give her
a raise.
slap someone on the wristGo to slap
someone’s wrist.
slap someone’s wrist and slap someone
on the wristtv. to administer a minor
reprimand. The judge only slapped her
wrist. The courts only slap them on the
wrist and send them back out on the
slashn. a drink of liquor. Just one slash,
and I have to be going. How about a
slash? You ready yet?
slaughterGo to murder.
slaughteredmod. drunk. Ted and Bill
came home slaughtered and caught hell for
it. Garth went out and got himself
slaughtered again last night.
slave away (at something)in. to work
very hard (doing something). I’m tired
of slaving away at this and getting
nowhere. I’m slaving away for $7.00 an
hour and have no prospects for the future.
slave marketn. a job market where many
candidates for jobs come face to face with
potential employers. I gotta go to the
annual slave market this year. We’re hir-
ing for a change. There was little hope
at the annual slave market. There were six
jobs and 432 applicants.
slaytv. to overwhelm someone with one’s
performance or other excellence. These
jokes always slay the audience. Oh, you
slay me with your silly remarks.
sleaze and sleez[sliz] 1. n. a low and de-
spicable person. God, what a sleaze!
How can anybody be so skanky? Yo u’d
expect to find a sleaze like that in a sleaz-
oid joint like this. 2. n. any junk. I won’t
sell sleez like that! I won’t even have it in
my store. Look at this sleaze—and look
at the price! Outrageous! 3. in. to act low;
to be sexually promiscuous. She looks
like the type who will sleaze and lie to get
her own way. She earned quite a repu-
tation sleazing around with just anybody.
sleazebagn. a repellent person or place.
I won’t go into a sleazebag like that.
Who is the sleazebag leaning against the
sleazeballn. a repellent person. He’s
okay if you’re into sleazeballs. Who is
that sleazeball with the earring?
sleaze-bucketn. a repellent person, thing,
or place. Gad, what a sleaze-bucket! Let
me out of here! Gee, Sue, your date’s a
real sleaze-bucket!
sleazo and sleazoid[“slizo and “slizoId]
mod. low; disreputable; sleazy. Let’s get
out of this sleazo joint. This place is
really sleazo. Who wants a sleazoid car
with no backseat?
sleazoid[“slizoId] 1. n. a sleazy person.
Who is this sleazoid? Who was that
sleazoid I saw you with last night? 2. Go
to sleazo.
sleeper 1. n. a sleeping pill. I just took
one little sleeper. She took a handful of
sleepers with a glass of booze, and that was
it. 2. n. someone or something that
achieves fame after a period of invisibil-
ity. The movie “Red Willow” was un-
doubtedly the sleeper of the year, winning
six awards. My candidate had been a
sleeper, but he finally began to pull ahead
in the polls.
sleepfestn. something, such as a dull lec-
ture, that induces a long period of sleep.
The history lecture today was a real
sleepfest. The play was a sleepfest. Half
the audience left before it was over.
sleep it offtv. to sleep while the effects of
drugs or alcohol wear off. I’m polluted,
I guesh. Have to get home and shleep it off.
She’ll be okay when she sleeps it off.
sleepwalkn. a movement toward some-
thing without effort. (A movement that
could be done in one’s sleep.See also
cakewalk; walk.) Getting the degree
was a sleepwalk. Getting a job was hell.
slap happy