Smiley 1. n. a circular, smiling yellow face.
(The face appears in many forms, stick-
on labels, pin-on buttons, hand-drawn,
etc. It is possible to re-create the smiling
face on any keyboard through the use of
the punctuation symbols, as with :) or :-).
All computer Smileys and their variants
appear sideways. A major variant is the
Unsmiley, which is basically :( or :-(. The
following faces are a sample of the vari-
ants that can be seen in computer forum
or news group messages and informal
typewritten or word processed notes.
This type of symbol is called an emoticon
because it is intended to show emotion
in what is otherwise a rather cold me-
dium of communication. The typical use
is to show that the writer is just joking
or writing in good, well-intentioned spir-
its. The following Smileys are separated
by slashes, and an equal sign separates the
actual Smiley from its explanation.) :-] =
Squarejaw Smiley / :-o = Singing Smiley;
Shocked Smiley; Surprised Smiley / :-( =
Sad Smiley / :-) = Happy Smiley / : -=)
= Smiley with a Big Mustache / :-)’ =
Drooling Smiley; Smoking Smiley / :-)8
= Smiley Wearing a Bow Tie / :-D = Big-
mouth Smiley / :-# = Smiley with Sealed
Lips / :- = Pursed-lips Smiley; Shocked
Smiley / :-s = Twisted-mouth Smiley (af-
ter hearing or saying something strange)
/ :-“ = Smiley with Walrus Mustache / :-|
= Smiley Making Dull Response; “Have-
a-dull-day” Smiley / :-> = Wry-faced
Smiley / :-0 = Loudmouth Smiley; Big-
mouth Smiley / :-x = Sealed-lips Smiley
/ :-Q = Smoking Smiley; Drooling Smi-
ley / :> = Midget Smiley / ;-) = Winking
Smiley / (-) = Smiley Needing a Haircut
/ “:-) = Smiley with its Hair Parted in the
Middle / +:-) = Smiley Priest / -( = Smi-
ley Cyclops, Poked in the Eye / *:o) =
Bozo Smiley / <:I = Dunce Smiley / @-)
= Cyclops Smiley / @:I = Smiley Wear-
ing a Turban / |-) = Gleeful Smiley / |-|
= Sleeping Smiley; Bored Smiley / 0-) =
Smiley Wearing a Scuba Mask / 8-) =
Smiley in Glasses / 8:-) = A Smiley with
Glasses on its Forehead / B-) = Smiley
Wearing Horn-rim Glasses / o-) = Cy-
clops Smiley / [:-) = Smiley Happily Lis-
tening to a Walkman / [:|] = Robot Smi-
ley; Squarejaw Smiley Listening to a
Walkman. 2. Go to smile.
smithereens[“smID#inz] n. many tiny
pieces or splinters. The mirror was bro-
ken to smithereens. I broke my crystal
bell to smithereens.
smoke 1. n. a tobacco cigarette; a pipe of
tobacco; a cigar. I think I’ll have a
smoke now. You got a smoke I can owe
you? 2. n. the act of smoking anything
smokable, including drugs. I need a
smoke—of anything. I’m going to stop
here for a smoke. 3. n. methyl alcohol; bad
liquor; any liquor. The old guy was
drinking smoke, and it blinded him.
They call it smoke because when you mix
it with water and shake it, it’s cloudy. 4.
n. exaggeration; deception. (See also
blow smoke; smoke and mirrors.)
That’s not a report. That’s just smoke.
If the smoke is too obvious, they’ll just get
suspicious. 5. tv. to annihilate someone;
to shoot someone. (Underworld.)
Rocko tried time and time again to smoke
Barlowe, always without success. Yo u
want me to smoke you on the spot, or are
you gonna cooperate? 6. tv. to beat some-
one in a contest; to outrun, outdistance,
or outplay someone. Jill smoked Dave
in the bicycle race. I will smoke you in
the race!
smoke and mirrorsn. a strategy of de-
ception and cover up. Her entire report
was nothing but smoke and mirrors. Who
could believe any of it? There is no plan.
It’s all just smoke and mirrors.
smoke eatern. a firefighter. A couple of
off-duty smoke eaters wandered around
the store doing a little shopping. The
smoke eaters took a long time getting there.
smoke-filled roomn. a room where a
small group of people make important
decisions. (Usually used in reference to
political parties.) The smoke-filled
rooms are still producing the candidates for
most offices, even as we approach the year
two thousand. The deal was cut in a
smoke-filled room.
smoke-inn. a young people’s public gath-
ering of the 1960s where marijuana was