Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1
go tee-tee before we leave. Jimmy, you
are supposed to f lush it when you tee-tee.

  1. n. urine. (Juvenile. Usually objection-
    able.) There’s tee-tee on the f loor. 
    Why is tee-tee yellow?

telegraph one’s punches 1. tv. to signal,
unintentionally, what blows one is about
to strike. (Boxing.) Wilbur used to tele-
graph his punches until his coach beat it
out of him.  Don’t telegraph your
punches, kid! You’ll be f lat on your back
in twenty seconds. 2. tv. to signal, unin-
tentionally, one’s intentions. When you
go in there to negotiate, don’t telegraph
your punches. Don’t let them see that we’re
broke. The mediator telegraphed his
punches, and we were prepared with a
strong counter argument.

Tell it like it is.sent. Speak frankly.; Tell the
truth no matter how much it hurts. 
Come on man, tell it like it is! Well, I’ve
got to tell it like it is.

Tell me another (one)!exclam. Tell me an-
other fairy tale!; That was a lie. Tell me
another just as good! You a stockbro-
ker? Tell me another one! There’s no im-
provement in this problem! Tell me an-

tell shit from ShinolaGo to know shit
from Shinola.

tell someone what to do with some-
thingtv. to tell someone to do something
rude with something. (With the unspo-
ken notion that one should stick it up
one’s ass.) I’ll tell you what you can do
with it. If that’s the way he wants to be,
you can just tell him what to do with it.

tell someone where to get offtv. to tell
someone when enough is enough; to tell
someone off. I was fed up with her
bossiness. I finally told her where to get off.
He told me where to get off, so I walked
out on him.

tell the (whole) worldtv. to spread
around private business. Well, you
don’t have to tell the whole world. Go
ahead, tell the world!

telly[“tEli] n. a television set. (Originally
British.) What’s on the telly tonight? 

I mean, what’s showing on the telly
atenn. the highest rank on a scale of one
to ten. She’s definitely a ten. On a
scale of one to ten, this pizza’s a ten.
ten-four and 10-4interj. okay. (Citizens
band radio.) Ten-four, old buddy. I will
do that. Please, where the answer to the
question is yes or no, don’t write 10-4 for
tennern. a ten-dollar bill. (See also fiver.)
For a tenner, the bum led Barlowe to the
place where the crate still lay in the alley.
Barlowe slipped him a tenner and faded
into the fog.
tenniesn. tennis shoes; sneakers. Let me
get my tennies on, and I’ll be right with
you. What is that stuff on your tennies?
ten percentern. an agent who collects 10
percent. I’ve been supporting that ten
percenter for years, and he was robbing me
blind. The life of a ten percenter is not
ten-spotn. a ten-dollar bill. I slipped him
a ten-spot, and suddenly there was a table
available. It will cost you a ten-spot to
get the book, in paperback, that is.
terpsGo to turps.
terrificmod. excellent. Glad to hear it.
That’s just terrific. What a terrific idea!
TGIF 1. interj. Thank God it’s Friday. (Ini-
tialism.) It was a rough week. TGIF. 
Everybody was muttering TGIF by Friday
afternoon. 2. n. a party held on Friday
in honor of the end of the workweek. 
Everyone is invited to the TGIF tonight.
Terry has a TGIF in his room every
thanks a bunchphr. thanks. Thanks a
bunch for your help. He said “thanks a
bunch” and walked out.
thank you very muchphr. a (sometimes
sarcastic) tag added to a statement for
emphasis. (Often used when there is
really nothing to thank anyone for.) I
will manage somehow to find my own way
out, thank you very much. We are prob-
ably the only people in town who might be

thank you very much
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