Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

trotters 1. n. pig’s feet. Trotters are okay
if you can’t tell what they are. Pickled
trotters are good in the summer. 2. n. the
feet. My trotters are sort of aching. 
Sit down and give your trotters a rest.

trounce[traUnts] tv. to beat someone; to
outscore someone. (Sports.)  They
really trounced us. Western trounced
Eastern for the tenth year in a row.

Tru dat.sent. That’s true.; I agree. Tr u
dat. I know just what you mean.

trumped up 1. mod. heavily promoted;
overly praised. I don’t care for trumped
up stuff like that movie. That movie was
so trumped up. I expected to see something
much better than it turned out to be. 2.
mod. made up; contrived. They put
Larry in the slammer on some trumped up
charge. It was a silly, trumped up idea.
Just forget it.

trumpet spiderGo to barking spider.

trump something uptv. to promote or
boost something. (See also trumped up.)
They think they have to trump some-
thing up to get people to see it. TThey
trumped up the movie so much that many
people were disappointed when it finally
came out.

Trust me!exclam. Believe me!; Honestly! 
It’s true! Trust me! He actually said it
just like Tom told you. Trust me!

try someone back (again)tv. to call
someone back on the telephone (again)
later. I’ll try her back later. When
should I try back?

TSGo to tough shit.

(T)sup?[“(t)s@p] interrog. What’s up?; What
is happening?; What have you been do-
ing?  Hi! Tsup?  TONY: Sup?
TIFFANY: Like, nothing.

tube 1. n. a can of beer. (See also crack a
tube.) Toss me a tube, will ya? How
many tubes do you think we ought to get
for tonight? 2. n. the inner curve of a tall
wave. (Surfing. See also tubular.) I’m
waiting for the best tube. A good tube
will do, won’t it? 3. in. to fail; to go down
the tube(s). (See also tube it.) The
whole plan tubed at the last minute. I

tubed, and I’m sorry. 4. n. a television set.
What’s on the tube tonight? The tube
is in the shop, so I read a book. 5. n. a cig-
arette. You got a tube I can bum? 
There’s a pack of tubes in my jacket.
tubedmod. alcohol intoxicated. (See also
tube.) They were both tubed and gig-
gling. You really look tubed, man!
tube ittv. to fail a test. (See also tube.) 
I tubed it, and I’ll probably get a D in the
course. I was afraid I’d tube it, so I stud-
ied my head off.
tube steakn. a frankfurter or a wiener.
(See also pimp steak.) Are we having
tube steak again for dinner? I could live
on tube steak. Nothing is better!
tub of gutsGo to tub of lard.
tub of lard and tub of gutsn. a fat per-
son. (Cruel. Also a rude term of address.)
Who’s that tub of guts who just came in?
That tub of lard can hardly get through
the door.
tubularmod. excellent. (Surfing and later
general youth slang. Having to do with
a tube[wave] that is good to surf in.) 
That pizza was totally tubular! This
whole week is, like, tubular.
tuchusGo to tokus.
tude[tud] n. a bad attitude. Hey, you
really got a tude, dude. Are you pulling
a tude with me?
tuieGo to tooie.
tukkisGo to tokus.
tunage[“tunIdZ] n. music; tunes. Why
don’t you come over and we’ll do some tun-
age? My stereo is down and I’m running
a tunage deficit.
tunedmod. tipsy; drunk. Wally was a lit-
tle tuned so Sally swiped his car keys. 
Tom was too tuned to stand up, let alone
tuned inmod. aware; up-to-date. Jan is
tuned in and alert to what is going on
around her. Hey, Jill! Get tuned in, why
don’t you?
tune in (to something)in. to become alert
to something. She tuned in to the com-

tune in (to something)
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