Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

vac 1. n. a vacuum cleaner. Where’s the
vac? Bring the vac and clean this place
up. 2. tv. & in. to clean with a vacuum
cleaner. Vac while you have time! Yo u
are supposed to vac the whole house, not
just your room!

vacationn. a prison sentence. (Under-
world.) I had a little vacation upstate
for a while. It was a three-year vacation,
with time off for good behavior.

vag[veg] 1. n. a vagrant person; a person
who does not work and who wanders
from place to place. A couple of vags on
the curb were trying to hitch a ride. Yo u
vags, move on. Go on, move it! 2. mod.
having to do with a charge of vagrancy.
They booked him on a vag charge and
gave him a nice warm place to sleep that
night. The vag scam didn’t work like it
was planned.

vals[vAlz] n. Valium™ tranquilizers. I’m
taking vals for this, but the doctor says to
get off of them as soon as possible. Vals
really calm you down.

Vamoose![vA”mus] exclam. Beat it!; Go
away! (From Spanish.) Go on, beat it!
Vamoose! Vamoose! Go home!

vanilla 1. mod. plain; dull. (See also beige.)
The entire production was sort of
vanilla, but it was okay. No more vanilla
music, please. The vacation was vanilla,
but restful. 2. n. a Caucasian. Some
vanilla’s on the phone—selling something,
I guess. That vanilla is looking at you
sort of coplike.

varnishedmod. alcohol intoxicated. (See
also shellacked.) Really varnished, he
was. Couldn’t see a hole in a ladder. 
That lady is too varnished to drive. If you
see her getting into a car, call the cops.

varoomGo to vroom.

Vatican rouletten. the rhythm method of
birth control. My parents lost at Vati-
can roulette, and I am the booby prize. 
Father John tried to get us to refer to it as
something other than Vatican roulette.

V-balln. volleyball. (See also B-ball.) Yo u
wanna play some V-ball? Playing V-ball
is one of the best forms of exercise.

veejay and VJ; video jockn. a video
jockey; a host on a television program
that features music videos. (The abbre-
viation is an initialism. Patterned on dee-
jay. See also disc jockey.) Sally tried
out for the veejay job, but she looked too
old and stuffy for that kind of work. 
Most of the VJs on cable television are un-
trained amateurs. Wally tried out to be
a video jock, but he’s too uptown.

veep[vip] n. a vice president. The veep
is going to preside today. Now we have
to elect a veep. Any nominations?

veg[vEdZ] 1. n. a vegetable. (See also
veggy.) You want a veg with this? 
That’s not my favorite veg. 2. n. a stupid
person. Where is your brain, you veg?
Some veg put scallops in the scalloped
potatoes. 3. Go to veg (out).

vegetable 1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. 
He’s a tad vegetable but not in a stupor.
Helen drank till she was totally veg-
etable. 2. n. someone who is brain-dead;
someone who acts brain-dead; a person
almost totally destroyed by drugs. 
You are such a vegetable! You want
to end up a vegetable? Just keep shooting
that stuff. Cable TV is turning me into
a vegetable.


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