when the shit hit the fantv. when the
trouble broke out; when things became
difficult. (Usually objectionable.) We
had one hell of an afternoon around here.
Where were you when the shit hit the fan?
Where have you been keeping yourself?
interrog. I haven’t seen you in a long time.
Where have you been? Long time no
see. Where’ve you been keeping yourself?
I haven’t seen you in a long time. Where
you been keeping yourself?
Where in (the) Sam Hill?interrog. Where?
(An intensive form ofwhere. Sam Hill is
hell.) Where in Sam Hill did I put my
hat? Where in the Sam Hill were you?
Where in the world?interrog. Where? (An
intensive form ofwhere.) Where in the
world have you been? Where in the
world did I put my glasses?
where it’s atphr. what one is aiming for;
what is needed. (This does not refer to a
place.) Keep on trying. That’s where it’s
at! Good strong friends. That’s where
it’s at.
Where on earth?Go to Where on (God’s
green) earth?
Where on (God’s green) earth?interrog.
(Exactly) where? (An intensive form of
where.See examples for variations.)
Where on God’s green earth did you get
that ridiculous hat? Where on earth is
my book? Where on God’s green earth
were you?
where someone is atin. what mental
condition someone is in. I know where
you’re at. I know what you are talking
about. You said it! I know just where
you’re at!
where someone livesin. at one’s core; in
one’s own personal situation. That
really hits you where you live, doesn’t it?
Yes, that gets me where I live.
where someone’s head is atin. the state
of one’s mental well-being. As soon as
I figure where my head is at, I’ll be okay.
He doesn’t know where his head is at.
Where’s the beef?interrog. Where is the
substance?; Where is the content? (From
a television commercial where someone
is looking for the meat in a fast-food
hamburger.) That’s really clever and
appealing, but where’s the beef? Where’s
the beef? There’s no substance in this pro-
Where’s the fire?interrog. Why are you
going so fast?; What’s the hurry? Go-
ing a little fast there, weren’t you? Where’s
the fire? Where’s the fire? We have an
hour to get there.
where the action isin. where important
things are happening. I want to be
where the action is. Right there in city
hall. That’s where the action is.
Where the Sam Hill?Go to Where in
(the) Sam Hill?
where the sun don’t shinein. in a dark
place, namely the anus. (Often with put
it or shove it.Part of the answer to the
question Where shall I put it? Always with
don’t;never with doesn’t.) I don’t care
what you do with it. Just put it where the
sun don’t shine. For all I care you can
shove it where the sun don’t shine.
wherewithal[“WErwITal] 1. n. money. I
don’t have the wherewithal to invest in
anything like that. I’ve got the interest
but not the wherewithal. 2. n. motivation;
gumption. I just don’t have the where-
withal to do the job. As soon as I get
some wherewithal, I’ll get a new computer.
whiffled[“WIfld] mod. alcohol intoxicated.
Jed found himself a mite whiff led, but
nobody else knew. That guy really looks
whiff led.
whiff-sniffer and wiff-sniffern. a pro-
hibitionist; someone always alert for the
smell of alcohol on someone’s breath.
(Prohibition.) Martin is something of a
whiff-sniffer. No wiff-sniffer is going to
tell me what to do.
whing-ding and wing-ding 1. n. a love af-
fair; a sexual affair. Sam and Martha
brought their little whing-ding to an end.
Somebody found out about their little
wing-ding. 2. n. a gadget. This whing-
ding is broken. Where can I find another?
I’ve never seen one of these little wing-
dings so banged up. 3. and whingern. a
wild drinking party; drinking spree.