Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

yelpern. the whooping (electronic) siren
on emergency vehicles. The black and
white rounded the corner, yelper blasting.
Turn off the yelper, Chuck, we hear you.

yench[jEntS] tv. to swindle someone; to
victimize someone. (Underworld.) The
f limf lam artist yenched a couple of banks
and then moved on. Somebody tried to
yench the wrong guy at the circus.

yenta[“jEnt@] n. a gossip, usually a woman.
(Regarded as Yiddish.) She can be such
a yenta when she’s got news. Tracy is a
yenta if ever there was one.

yepGo to yup.

Yes!interj. Absolutely yes! (Always with a
special intonation that holds the yon a
higher pitch and then drops the pitch
sharply. The word itself is not slang, but
the word with this intonation is part of
many slang contexts.) That’s right! Yes!
Yes! Exactly right!

Yo!interj. Hello!; Attention, please!; Wait a
minute! Yo, Michael! What’s new? Yo!
Come over here.

yock and yok[jOk] 1. in. to laugh loudly.
(See also yak.) Everybody yocked at the
joke, and when things calmed down, I an-
nounced the mass firings. Stop yocking
and listen to this. 2. n. a loud laugh. Sue
let out an enormous yock and quickly cov-
ered her mouth. Who came out with
that uncivil yock? 3. Go to yack.

yodeling in a canyonin. talking aimlessly.
You are just yodeling in a canyon if you
think I really care about it. Stop yodel-
ing in a canyon and start making sense.

yokGo to yock.

yoked[jokt] mod. having well-marked ab-
dominal muscles. That guy is really
yoked. I wonder how much he works out.
I’m too fat to ever get yoked.

yolan. cocaine. Albert spends too much
time snorting yola.

yo mamainterj. so you say. (Black.) Not
enough bread! Yo mama. Yo mama! The
hell you say!

york[jork] 1. in. to empty one’s stomach;
to vomit. He ate the stuff, then went

straight out and yorked. Who yorked in
the f lowerpot? 2. n. vomit. Is that york
I see on the living room window? Hey,
Jimmy! Come out in the snow and see the
frozen york!

You and what army?Go to You and who

You and who else? and You and what
army?interrog. Who besides you is
threatening me? You’re gonna whup
me? You and who else? You and what
army are gonna yank my chain?

You asked for it!exclam. Here it comes,
and you deserve it! So you want the full
treatment? You asked for it! So, you
wanted to hear both sides of the record?
You asked for it!

You bet.interj. Yes.; You can bet on it. 
Can you have two? You bet. You bet; it’s
all settled.

You betcha![“ju “bEtS@] interj. Yes!; You can
be sure of it! (Literally, You bet, you.) 
Will I be there? You betcha. Can I? You

You bet your boots!exclam. You can be
absolutely certain! Am I happy? You bet
your boots! You bet your boots I’m mad.

You bet your sweet life!exclam. You are
absolutely correct! Happy? You bet your
sweet life! You bet your sweet life I am

You bet your sweet patoot(ie)!exclam.
You can be absolutely certain! (Patootieis
the buttocks.) You bet your sweet pa-
tootie I’m serious! I’ll be there! You bet
your sweet patoot!

You can say that again!exclam. I agree!
You can say that again! It’s really hot! 
You can say that again! You hit the nail
right on the head.

You can’t dance at two weddings.sent.
You cannot do two things at once. Ei-
ther go to the beach with Fred or stay here
with me. You can’t dance at two weddings.
Decide which one you want to buy. You
can only have one and you can’t dance at
two weddings.


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