Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

zorked[“zorkt] mod. alcohol intoxicated. 
She was zorked beyond help. Everybody
was essentially zorked by midnight.

zotz[zats] 1. and zot. [zat] n. zero; noth-
ing. I went out to get the mail, but there
was zot. All I got for a raise was little
more than zotz. 2. tv. to kill someone or
something. Pete threatened to zotz
Ziggy, but it was just a threat. The gun-
man stepped up to the wall and zotzed two
of the guards.

zounked (out)Go to zonked (out).

zowie[“zaUi] 1. n. energy; sparkle; zest. 
This one sounds better because the drum-
mer has more zowie. Put some zowie
into it. It’s not raining inside tonight. 2. ex-

clam. Wow! (Usually Zowie!) Zowie!
They just pulled Mr. Big out of the river.
Ziggy had enough of the guy and wasted
him, but good. Zowie!

zozzled[“zazld] mod. drunk. Dave was
too zozzled to drive. John had a few, but
he didn’t get zozzled or anything like that.

zuke[zuk] in. to vomit. The cat zuked on
the living room carpet. I hear someone
zuking in the bathroom. What’s going on?

zunked[z@Nkt] mod. alcohol or drug in-
toxicated. That poor guy is so zunked he
can’t see. The party went on and on.
When the preacher got himself zunked on
the punch, I knew it had reached the end.


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