mickey mickey mouse habit
Mickey slip someone a Mickey
middlemiddle of nowhere
middlesmack (dab) in the middle
midgetmental midget
mifkymifky-pifky (in the bushes)
Mike For the love of Mike!
milkmilk a duck
milktiger(’s) milk
millgin mill
millthrough the mill
million like a million (dollars)
MilquetoastCaspar Milquetoast
Milwaukee Milwaukee goiter
mincemeat make mincemeat out of someone
or something
mind blow someone’s mind
mind fuck someone’s mind (up)
mind get a load off one’s mind
mind have one’s mind in the gutter
mind meeting of the minds
mind mind your own beeswax
mind never mind
mind one-track mind
mine back to the salt mines
mine Your guess is as good as mine.
mine Your place or mine?
mink fly mink
mirror done by mirrors
mirror done with mirrors
mirror smoke and mirrors
miss Good golly, Miss Molly!
miss miss the boat
mistakeMake no mistake (about it)!
mixmixed (up)
mixmix it up (with someone)
mobile nerd mobile
mod mod poser
mode in one’s something mode
moist moist around the edges
mojo on the mojo
moldy moldy fig
moley Holy moley!
Molly Good golly, Miss Molly!
momma (Do) you kiss your momma with
that mouth?
momma You kiss your momma with that
mommy freak mommy
Monday dark Monday
money color of someone’s money
money easy money
money folding money
money front money
money heavy money
money hush money
money mad money
money money from home
money money grubber
money money talks
money on the money
money pull down an amount of money
money push money
money Put your money where your mouth is!
money shell an amount of money out
money shell out (an amount of money)
money smart money
money soft money
money spending money
money throw money at something
money tight money
monkey grease monkey
monkey have a monkey on one’s back
monkey left-handed monkey wrench
monkey monkey around (with someone)
monkey monkey around (with something)
monkey monkey bite
monkey monkey business
monkey monkey swill
monkey monkey talk
monkey monkey wagon
monkey monkey wards
monkey monkey with someone or something
monkey powder monkey
monster meth monster
monster monster weed
Montezuma Montezuma’s revenge
moo moo juice
moon once in a blue moon
moonlight moonlight requisition
mop Earp slop, bring the mop.
mop mopping-up operation
mop mop the floor up with someone
mop That’s the way the mop flops.
mope mope around
moremore than one bargained for
moreRun that by (me) one more time.
morning morning after (the night before)
moss house moss
most firstest with the mostest
mother dog’s mother
mother mother nature(’s)
motor get someone’s motor running
mountain make a mountain
mountain (mountain) dew
mousebald-headed mouse
mousemickey mouse
mousemickey mouse ears
mousemickey mouse habit
mousemouse potato
mouseone-eyed pants mouse
mouth big mouth
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