Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

screech screeching (drunk)
screw have a loose screw
screw have a screw loose
screw put the screws on someone
screw screw around
screw screw around with someone or
screw screwed, blued, and tattooed
screw screwed tight
screw screwed up
screw screw someone or something up
screw screw someone out of something
screw screw someone over
screw screw up
script flip the script
scroungescrounge (around (for someone or
scroungescrounge someone or something up
scum bathtub scum
scum pond scum
scum shower scum
scupper scupper up
scuzz scuzz someone out
sealsealed (up)
sealsealed with a kiss
searchSearch me.
seat hot seat
seat in the catbird seat
seat in the driver’s seat
seat in the hot seat
seat kick in the (seat of the) pants
second second fiddle
second second sacker
seecannot see (any) further than the end of
one’s nose
seeLong time no see.
seesee a man about a dog
seesee eye to eye
seeseeing pink elephants
seeseeing pink spiders
seeseeing snakes
seeseen better days
seesee no further than the end of one’s nose
seesee red
seesee stars
seeSee ya.
seeSee you.
seeSee you later.
seeSee you later, alligator.
seeWhat you see is what you get.
seewould not be seen dead
self self-propelled sandbag
sell hard sell
sell sell a wolf ticket
sell sell buicks
sell sell someone out

sell sell wolf tickets
sell soft sell
sell sold on someone or something
sendsend someone from pillar to post
sendsend someone or something up
sendsend someone to glory
sendsend someone up the river
sense sense (bud)
serious get down to some serious drinking
serious serious about someone
serpentcivil serpent
serve serve someone right
service Call my service.
sesh full sesh
session bitch session
session bull session
session rap session
setset of pipes
setset of wheels
setset someone back
setset someone up (for something)
settlesettle someone’s hash
seven seven-year itch
seven twenty-four, seven
sew sewed up
sew sew something up
sewersewer hog
sex sex goddess
sex sex kitten
sex sex pot
sezSez me!
sezSez who?
shabby not too shabby
shack shack up (with someone)
shade have it made in the shade
shaft give someone the shaft
shag shag ass (out of some place)
shag shagged out
shag shag (off)
shake (all) shook up
shake body shake
shake fair shake
shake I’m shaking (in fear).
shake movers and shakers
shake no great shakes
shake shake a leg
shake Shake it (up)!
shake shake someone down
shake shook up
shake two shakes of a lamb’s tail
shake What’s shakin’ (bacon)?
shankshank it
shankshank’s mare
shapebent out of shape
shapeflexed out of shape
shapein bad shape

NTC’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

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