Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

squad goon squad
squad junk squad
square back to square one
square square apple
square squared away
square squared up
square square john
square square john broad
square square joint
square square (meal)
square square off
square square peg (in a round hole)
square square shooter
square square with someone
square three squares
squash stoned out of one’s squash
squat cop a squat
squat take a squat
squawksquawk box
squeak narrow squeak
squeak squeaky clean
squeeze budget squeeze
squeeze main squeeze
squeeze put the squeeze on someone
squeeze squeeze play
squiff on the squiff
squiff squiff out
squirrel squirrel out of something
squirrel squirrel something away
stackblow one’s stack
stackstack the deck
stackswear on a stack of Bibles
stag stag line
stage honeymoon stage
stair nothing upstairs
stakestake someone or something out
stakestake someone to something
stakeup stakes
stale stale drunk
stamp stamping ground
stand If you can’t stand the heat, keep out of
the kitchen.
stand one-night stand
stand stand pat (on something)
stand stand someone up
stand stand tall
stand stand there with one’s bare face
hanging out
stand taco stand
starsee stars
starchtake the starch out of someone
start jump-start someone
stashmain stash
station comfort station
station filling station
station fuzz station

station Grand Central Station
station thirst-aid station
statistics vital statistics
stay stay loose
stay Stay tuned.
steakpimp steak
steaktube steak
steamblow off (some) steam
steamfull steam ahead
steamlet off (some) steam
steamsteamed (up)
steamsteam someone’s beam
steamsteam someone up
steamsteam up
steer bum steer
stepAztec two-step
stepstep off the curb
stepStep on it!
stepstep out on someone
stepstep outside
stepstepped on
stepstep right up
stepYou want to step outside?
stew stew bum
stew stewed to the ears
stew stewed to the gills
stew stewed (up)
stick boom sticks
stick cancer stick
stick carry the stick
stick get on the stick
stick hit by the stupid stick
stick hit by the ugly stick
stick licorice stick
stick shitty end of the stick
stick short end of the stick
stick stick around
stick Stick ’em up!
stick stick in the mud
stick stick it to someone
stick stick like shit to a shovel
stick stick man
stick stick one’s nose in (where it’s not
stick stick out like a sore thumb
stick stick shift
stick stick someone with something
stickersticker shock
sticky sticky fingers
stiffscared stiff
stiffworking stiff
stink (as) close as stink on shit
stink big stink
stink close as stink on shit
stink holy stink
stink like stink

NTC’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

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