Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

tailhave a tiger by the tail
tailhunk of tail
tailon someone’s tail
tailpiece of tail
tailringtailed snorter
tailtailgate party
tailturn tail (and run)
tailtwo shakes of a lamb’s tail
tailwork one’s tail off
tailgate tailgate party
take double take
take have what it takes
take on the take
take take a bath (on something)
take take a beating
take take a break
take take a chill pill
take take a crack at something
take take a crap
take take a dig at someone
take take a dirt nap
take take a dive
take take a dump
take take a fall
take take a flyer (on something)
take take a gander (at someone or
take take a hike
take take a jab at someone
take take a leak
take take a load off one’s feet
take take a lot of nerve
take take a nosedive
take take a page from someone’s book
take take a pop at someone
take take a powder
take Take a running jump (in the lake)!
take take a shit
take take a shot (at something)
take take a squat
take take a swipe at someone or something
take take a walk
take take a whack at someone or something
take take a whack at something
take Take care.
take take care of number one
take take care of numero uno
take take care of someone
take take five
take take it
take Take it down a thou(sand)!
take take it easy
take take it on the chin
take take it on the lam
take take it on the nose
take Take it or leave it.

take take it out on someone or something
take take it slow
take take it through the nose
take take it to the street
take take names
take take off
take take-off artist
take take one’s belt in (a notch)
take take one’s lumps
take take on fuel
take take pictures
take take some doing
take take some heat
take take someone in
take take someone off
take take someone or something apart
take take someone or something off
take take someone or something on
take take someone out
take take someone to the cleaners
take take something out
take take something public
take takes two to tango
take take the cure
take take the fall
take take the fifth
take take the gas pipe
take take the heat
take take the heat off someone
take take the (long) count
take take the pipe
take take the piss out of someone
take take the pledge
take take the plunge
take take the rap (for something)
take take the spear (in one’s chest)
take take the starch out of someone
take take the wind out of someone’s sails
take take things easy
take taking care of business
take You can’t take it with you.
tale fairy tale
tale fish tale
tale tale of woe
talkbig talk
talkgive someone a (good) talking to
talkheart-to-heart (talk)
talkjive talk
talkLook who’s talking!
talkmoney talks
talkmonkey talk
talknice talking to you
talkNow you’re talking!
talkpep talk
talkstraight talk
talktalk a blue streak

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