Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

buzzingmod. drunk. Sally was buzzing
after only a few drinks. She was really
buzzing and Molly had to take her home.

buzzwordn. a specialist word; a technical
word; a jargon word. (See also fuzzword.)
Your constant use of buzzwords makes
your work sound quite trivial. What’s
the latest buzzword?

BVDs and beeveedeesn. underwear;
men’s underwear. (The first entry is an
initialism. From Bradley, Voorhies, and
Day, the manufacturers. Always plural.)
He stood there in his BVDs, freezing. 

If you don’t wear a belt, your BVDs will
BWOCn. big woman on campus, an im-
portant or self-important female college
student. (Initialism. Collegiate. See also
BMOC.) Some BWOC came in and
asked us to leave. It’s always the same
BWOCs you see in the paper.
BYO(B)mod. bring your own (booze or
bottle). (Initialism.) A note on the in-
vitation says that the party is BYOB. I
hate BYOB parties. There’s never enough
to drink.

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