Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

cluelessmod. unaware. She is so dense.
Totally clueless. I have never seen any-
one so totally clueless. What a dunce!

cluelessnessn. total stupidity. (See also
totally clueless.) I just shake my head
in wonder at the cluelessness of my fellow
humans. This place is just infested with
juvenile cluelessness!

clue someone intv. to set someone
straight (about something); to inform
someone of the facts. What’s going on?
Clue me in. TI think I’d better clue in
Sam about the rally.

clunk 1. tv. to strike someone or some-
thing. A small truck clunked me from
behind. The branch clunked the roof as
it fell. 2. n. a hit; the sound of a hit. I
heard a clunk on the roof. Must be rein-
deer. The clunk on the roof was a falling

clunker 1. n. an old car. He drives an old
clunker and doesn’t have any insurance. 
I gotta get rid of this clunker pretty soon.

  1. n. someone or something worthless;
    aclinker. We have to get the clunkers
    off the payroll. Fred? There’s another
    clunker we don’t need.

clunkheadn. an oaf; a stupid dolt. What
clunkhead put sugar in the salt shaker? 
My brother can be such a clunkhead.

clunkymod. ponderous and inefficient. 
The whole plan is too clunky. Try to prune
it down. I got rid of all the clunky stuff.
Now it’s lean and mean.

cluster fuck 1. n. an act of group rape.
(Also Charlie Foxtrotfrom the initials
CF. Usually objectionable.) Look at her!
She’s just asking for a cluster fuck. 2. n. any
event as riotous as an act of group rape.
(Figurative on sense 1. The same allusion
as sense 1.) This goddamn day has been
one long cluster fuck!

clutchedmod. nervous. I get so clutched
before a test. George is clutched most of
the time. He’s in bad shape.

clutch (up)in. to become very tense and
anxious; to freeze with anxiety. I have
been known to clutch up before a race. 
Cool it, babe! Don’t clutch!

Clyde[klaId] n. an oaf; a square, usually a
male. (See also Zelda. Also a term of ad-
dress.) Well, Clyde, I think you’re way
off base. A dull Clyde, that’s my old Bill,
but I still love him.
C-note and C-spotn. a one-hundred-dol-
lar bill. (The Cis the Roman numeral
for100.See also century note.) How
much ammo will a C-note buy these days?
That guy wanted a C-spot to fix my
muff ler.
coastern. someone who lives near the
ocean. (California.) Tiffany is a coaster
now, but she was born, like, somewhere
else. The coasters just don’t want to be
beige, that’s all.
cob 1. n. a sharp poke or goose in the anus.
Ouch! That cob hurt! 2. tv. to give
someone a sharp poke in the anus. To m
cobbed Fred when he passed by.
cockn. the penis. (Taboo. Usually objec-
tionable. Mainly in the South, this refers
instead to the female genitals.) He
made some joke about a cock, but nobody
laughed. The streaker covered his cock
and ran across the field.
cockamamie[“kak@memi] mod. ridiculous;
inconceivable. What a cockamamie
idea! That is the most cockamamie thing
I ever heard of.
cock-cheeseGo to crotch-cheese.
cockeyed[“kakaId] mod. crazy. Who
came up with this cockeyed idea, anyway?
If you didn’t act so cockeyed all the time,
you’d have more friends.
cocksucker 1. n. a male who performs fel-
latio (licking and sucking of the penis).
(See also dick-sucker.Also a provocative
term of address. Rude and derogatory.)
There is one question I’ve always
wanted to ask a cocksucker, but I have
never had the chance. 2. n. a low and de-
spicable male; a male who is despicable
enough to perform fellatio. (Rude and
derogatory.) You rotten cocksucker! I
ought to punch you in the face. 3. n. a male
who performs oral sex on a woman. I
don’t care if he’s a cocksucker, as long as he
loves his mother. 4. n. an obsequious and
flattering male; a male sycophant. (Rude


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