process we propose for targeting your portfolio, will also help you
identify the new direction you want to go in. We explain how to do in-
formational interviews in Chapter 4.
People going for a promotion, a work reassignment, a raise, or an an-
nual review. Portfolios are not just tools for getting new jobs in dif-
ferent organizations. A portfolio also helps you make the case for a
promotion or work assignment within your present organization. And
during an annual review a career portfolio can be useful for demon-
strating the value you bring to an organization. In Chapter 7, we ex-
plore how portfolios can be used to great effect in these and other ca-
reer advancement situations, including going for a raise.
Independent consultants looking for business or referrals. If you are
an independent consultant or contractor, a portfolio is an effective
way of demonstrating what you can do for clients. Advertising pro-
fessionals have always used portfolios to showcase their talents.
In Part 2, you will find several examples of targeted portfolios.
In addition to individuals, organizations such as schools and cor-
porations can make good use of portfolios. For example:
Portfolios can improve teaching and placement in schools and univer-
sities. Many school systems are beginning to use student portfolios
as an assessment tool and as a means of focusing their teaching on
outcomes that will prove useful to their students in their future aca-
demic and work careers.
Colleges and universities are also beginning to encourage, and in
some cases require, their students to create portfolios that will give
them an edge in the job market. Placement offices are discovering
that students who have well-thought-out portfolios are getting more
job offers at higher salary levels than students who only use a re-
sume. In Chapter 7, we will discuss some techniques universities can
use to help their students prepare portfolios.
Portfolios can improve staffing and other human resource activities.
Given the fact that change is now a constant in most organizations,
those firms that are most adept at reshuffling their employees to cap-
italize on emerging opportunities can gain a significant competitive
advantage. Requiring employees to create and maintain career port-
folios can help management identify the right people for internal re-
assignments. Including the use of portfolios in annual performance
reviews enables managers to gain a better understanding of the
range of talents of their subordinates. We will also cover this topic in
greater depth in Chapter 7.
The process of assembling and then targeting your portfolio doesn’t just
give you a great self-marketing tool, it also serves as a very effective
Chapter 1: Introduction: What Is a Career Portfolio? 7