The chances are your boss will want to learn more about putting
together a portfolio for his or her own use!
You can (and should) create some of your portfolio documents your-
self. In addition to asking for documents, you can also add to the items
in your Master Portfolio by creatingthem. We are not talking about
deceptive practices, such as fabricating fake letters of recommendation
or creating bogus performance evaluations. Most assuredly, and we
can’t stress this too much, you should never include anything in your
portfolio that lacks integrity. You won’t feel good about inclusions that
are, in point of fact, dishonest. And if you ever get caught using some-
thing that is not authentic, your credibility will be totally destroyed—
the very opposite of what you are trying to achieve with your portfolio.
You can and should, of course, make minor deletions to protect the
rights of the authors of the documents you use. For example, you would
need to delete proprietary information, such as confidential market
share data, from copies of documents that you will be showing outside
this organization.
Consider taking pictures and using the Web. You can create your
own tailor-made documents by taking pictures of something you creat-
ed or visiting Web sites that have pictures and other information that
pertain to some important aspect of your life so far. One of the authors
of this book used an Internet search engine to find the Web site for a
school in Brazil where he once was an instructor. He was able to down-
load pictures of this school in Rio de Janeiro, which he then combined
with other pictures he found of Rio to create a colorful collage. Since
there is no such thing as a bad picture of Rio, it didn’t take much artis-
tic ability to create a visually arresting prop for discussing his interna-
tional experience.
Color sells. When creating your own documents or copying docu-
ments you already have, remember that color can lend appeal. Obvi-
ously you do not want to include a lot of gaudy colors that have the net
effect of cheapening your own image. But you should be on the lookout
for opportunities to include at least a little dash of color in your collec-
tion of portfolio documents. So, if you receive a letter of commendation
and the person’s name and address at the top of the letter are in color,
you would do well to pay a little extra and have whatever photocopies
are made done in color and on paper that matches the original sta-
In this chapter our focus is on finding and creating documents that
are based on your life so far. In Chapter 8, we will discuss activities you
can pursue in the future that will generate a continuous flow of portfo-
lio-worthy documents.
Thus far we have discussed how you can go about finding and creating
items to include in your Master Portfolio collection. Now, we will show
you a strategy for evaluating the P.E.A.K.S. demonstrated by each of
the documents in your Master Portfolio. If you do this well, when it
Chapter 2: Assembling Your Master Portfolio 21