The Career Portfolio Workbook

(Ron) #1
self. You have to be comfortable with your filing system or you won’t
keep using it.

Using tabs may help.You will likely find that it is easier to locate
items if you have them stored in folders that have tabs on them for
identification. There are, of course, many general categories you could
use for these tabs. The following set of headings, which we reviewed
earlier in this chapter, could prove useful for filing items in your Mas-
ter Portfolio:

Bio stats
Targeted task skills
People skills
Learning skills
Self-management skills
Task accomplishments
Community service

An obvious alternative to the above categories would be to file each doc-
ument according to which of the following P.E.A.K.S. the documents
best exemplifies:

Personal characteristics that add value

The problem with using the P.E.A.K.S. categories for initially filing doc-
uments in your Master Portfolio is that this filing system would require
you to carefully analyze each document before filing it. Determining
which of the P.E.A.K.S. a document best exemplifies can take a fair
amount of time. And if it takes a long time to decide which category to
file something under, the net result may be that you find yourself
putting an excellent document aside somewhere, fully intending to file
it in the future and losing it in the process.
Whatever nomenclature you do end up using for your Master Port-
folio filing system, you will no doubt discover that some of your items
could be filed under more than one heading. In these cases you can put
copies of the same document in several different files or leave a note in
each appropriate category that specifies the location of the actual doc-
If you use Career P.E.A.K.S. Measurement Forms, don’t lose them.
If you use these worksheets, you will need some system for keeping
track of where they are. You are unlikely to misplace them if you use
paper clips to attach the filled-out forms directly to the original docu-
ments they assess. Alternatively, you can have a separate file or files for
these worksheets.
Your filing system should suit your personal style for organizing
things. With your Master Portfolio you can be as sloppy or as neat as

24 Part I: Building, Using, and Maintaining Your Career Portfolio

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