The Career Portfolio Workbook

(Ron) #1
educational achievements in reverse chronological order, so that your
most recent degree or certificate is listed first.
Include your degree (AA, BS, BA, MBA, MA, etc.), college or uni-
versity attended, date of graduation, minors or concentrations, and any
special workshops, seminars, related coursework, or senior projects. A
grade point average (G.P.A.) of higher than a 3.0 (either overall G.P.A.
or G.P.A. in major) might also be noted here.
You might use “Knowledge”or “Skills”subheadings to highlight
areas of academic concentration and particular skills developed.

Additional Information
This category is useful for displaying information that doesn’t fit in any
other category. Although Interests, Computer Knowledge, and Activi-
ties can be separate categories, especially if you have items that would
be included under these that are very strong, alternatively, items that
would otherwise be listed under these categories can be listed here.
Languages spoken, or any extra, relevant bit of information can also be
placed here.
Again, you can use P.E.A.K.S. subheadings for each of the things
listed under “Additional Information.”

It’s a good idea to start creating a list of people you might want to use
as references. In particular, you will want to identify people who can
and will vouch for your key P.E.A.K.S.


A targeted resume is intended to appeal to a particular audience. When
seeking a specific job, the target audience for your resume would be the
people who review the resumes of candidates for this job.
If you use a P.E.A.K.S. format for your resume, the targeting
process should focus on including the particular P.E.A.K.S. that would
most impress your target audience.
When used in connection with seeking a particular job, a targeted
P.E.A.K.S. resume is really a can-do resume, in that it gives the reasons
why you “can do”the key things that the job under consideration re-
What follows are steps you can take to target an effective
P.E.A.K.S. resume.
The Ten-Step Process for Targeting a P.E.A.K.S. Resume

  1. Describe the opportunity you are pursuing in realisticterms.

  2. Identify the P.E.A.K.S. that the people who will be interviewing you
    are likely to be seeking in candidates.

  3. Create an “Overview”section that (a) clearly defines what you are
    seeking in the context of the targeted opportunity and (b) presents

70 Part I: Building, Using, and Maintaining Your Career Portfolio








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