Surcharge blocks
Retaining wall (le) Retaining wall^ (right)
Slope lls
SN 15
SN 14
SN 13
SN 12
SN 11
SN 25
SN 24
SN 23
SN 22
SN 21
(a) Plan view
Recharge tren ch Crest blanket
SN 13
Strain gauge (SG )
Inclinom eter
Granular material
Blinding layer 75 mm
with A 252 mesh
I 1
I 2
SG -1
SG -1 SG -2
SG -2 SG -3
SG -3
SG -4
SG -4
SN 23
Slope lls
A layer of asphalt betw een
blinding and drainage layer 91. 80
- 55
Drainage layer 150 mm
no- nes concrete
Toe apron
Section A-A
(b) Section view
Figure 1: General arrangement of the field test.
acceleration;k푤is the pore water flow velocity;nis the out-
ward normal to푆;휌푤and휌푤^0 denote the water density and a
reference density for normalization, respectively.
The coupling stress equilibrium and flow continuity equa-
tions are solved simultaneously. A Lagrangian formulation is
used in the discretization of the balance equation for the soil
skeleton, and displacements are taken as nodal variables. The
continuity equation is integrated in time using the backward
Euler approximation method, and pore water pressure is
taken as a field variable in finite element discretizations.
Generally nonlinearity arises from the coupling between
seepage and mechanical behavior in the system equations.
The Newton-Raphson method is used to calculate the incre-
mental numerical solutions. In addition, Darcy’s Law is
be valid for unsaturated soils if the coefficient of permeability,
k, is written as a function of the degree of saturation.
3.2. 3D Finite Element Mesh and Boundary Conditions.The
symmetry of the nailed slope and load/boundary conditions