
(vip2019) #1

coefficients훾푚. At each irregular point, these coefficients have
to be evaluated by solving an undetermined system via an
optimization approach. The coefficients퐾±,퐾휉±,and퐾휂±of
this system of ( 17 ) are in reality defined as functions of the
solution푢(푥∗,푦∗)at interface. For the substitution scheme
followed here, these coefficients are calculated at each step

from the solution of the previous iteration푢푘at projection
point (푥∗,푦∗).
The solution value at this point푢(푥∗,푦∗)is interpolated
from solution at grid points using a least squares scheme. For
this interpolation, grid points situated at the same side of the
considered point(푥푖,푦푗)are used. As discussed in chapter
6 of [ 17 ]aswellasinthecontributionof[ 19 ], using this
approach by involving in least squares approximation at least
six points of the same side avoids to use the interface relations
and maintains the second order accuracy. For example, if the
irregular point (푥푖,푦푗)belongstoΩ−,onecaninterpolatethe
solution at its projection point (푥∗,푦∗)fromthevaluesof
points in the same sideΩ−as follows:

푢−(푥∗,푦∗)= ∑

훾푚,푛푢푚,푛, (23)

The same method of least squares scheme is also used to
calculate the derivatives of the solution푢푥and푢푦using푢휉by
applying relation ( 9 ). Note that once the value of the solution
as its derivative푢−휉atΩ−side of the interface, it is possible to

evaluatetherespectivevaluesattheothersideΩ+of interface
by using the following interface relation:

푢+=푢−+훼퐾−푢−휉;퐾+=퐾(푢+). (24)

The same approach can be used to determine the coeffi-
cients퐾−푥and퐾−푦at (푥∗,푦∗)byinvolvingvaluesof퐾푚,푛=

퐾(푢푚,푛)determined at grid points situated at the same side

Ω−(orΩ+). We obtain finally퐾±휉and퐾±휂from the relation
written in ( 9 ).
Once all coefficients of the finite difference scheme are
known, it is possible to solve the system of ( 5 )andobtain

the solution (푢푘+1)ofthe(푘 + 1)th step at all grid nodes.
The iterative calculation is finished when the convergence
criterion is reached. For all numerical simulations presented
in the next sections, the norm of residue of the iterative
scheme is fixed to 10 −6.Theseresultsnumericallyconfirmthe
only a small number of iteration (∼5iterations).
From the solution of the transfer problem, one could use
it to calculate the overall conductivity of the heterogeneous
media from the well-known relation of volume average







where⟨⋅⟩ denotes the average over all elements of the
representative volume.

3. Variation of the Effective Thermal

Conductivity of Geomaterials with respect

to Temperature and Pressure

3.1. Temperature Dependence.Beginning from the pioneer
work of [ 3 ], the temperature-dependent thermal proper-
ties of geomaterials have been studied for a long time
in relation with various engineering applications such as
geothermal reservoirs, underground storage of nuclear waste
or petroleum and natural gas geology. This subject is always
in continuous progress with a remarkable number of results
conducted on different types of soils and rocks in the last
decade [ 2 , 4 , 6 – 9 ]. A general tendency of decreasing of
thermal conductivity as a function of temperature can be
stated from these contributions. At the same time, a thermal
damage is reported as a consequence of the contrast of
constituent properties of geomaterials when the temperature
increases. This type of damage known as thermal cracking
developed principally in contacts of constituent phases of the
heterogeneous media like geomaterials.
In this part, we use the IIM method to solve the problem
of effective thermal conductivity estimation of geomaterials
whose constituent thermal conductivities depend on temper-
ature. In addition, the effects of cracking interfaces with tem-
perature on the effective thermal conductivity are considered
using imperfect interface. In that case, the nonlinearity of
effective thermal property reflects not only the nonlinearity of
the intrinsic properties of matrix and inclusions but also the
properties of interfaces, which when debonding produce an
extra thermal resistance. In order to describe the progressive
cracking of interfaces when the temperature evolves, the
properties of interface are supposed to vary with coordinates
following a known function. In the simplest case a piecewise
interfacial resistance function that takes some values for
debonding parts of interfaces and some other values for intact
ones could be used. As an example, the debonding parts
of the interface of a circular inclusion could be given in
function of an angle휙measured from an arbitrary chosen
direction (Figure 2). In extreme cases, full interface could be
considered as debonded. One could anticipate that, because
of the temperature dependent conductivity of local con-
stituents and interface debonding, the overall conductivity
would be highly temperature dependent [ 14 , 15 , 22 – 26 ]. As
demonstrated in a previous contribution from the authors
[ 18 ], the contact resistance leads also to a size-dependent
behavior of heterogeneous materials as observed in reality:
for the same volumetric fraction of inclusions, a more
pronounced effect of the interface is observed for smaller
inclusions. If not otherwise stated in following simulations,
the size of inclusion is equal to푅=1휇m.
initial and boundary conditions of the considered problem
is depicted inFigure 2. More precisely, a constant initial
temperature푢is considered in whole sample, and the mixed
boundary conditions consist in applying the temperatures푢
and푢+Δ푢at the two opposing faces (to the Oy direction
in the examples presented here) of the rectangular domain,
whereas the zero heat flux is supposed to be to two other
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