Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
What to Do if the Diet Succeeds 129

In the meantime, get on with testing other foods. The second time
around you may get a more definite answer, yes or no. If it remains
doubtful avoid it altogether, at least for ten to twelve weeks; then
try again.

As a final point, you can try testing foods prepared in different ways.
Cooking, for instance, both creates and destroys allergens. If you can’t take
a food raw, try cooking it and repeat the test (at least five days later).


It is interesting to observe that animals will usually test their
food carefully, before eating it. Notice how a dog sniffs and
then licks its food, to check it. Only if satisfied that the
food is safe and wholesome will the dog go ahead and eat
all the food.
How unlike humans; we know that certain foods are
bad for us – some foods even smell or taste synthetic
and unpleasant – but we go ahead and foolishly eat them
There is psychology in this too. Before you eat, you
should picture how you will feel thirty minutes after
consuming the food. Often you know very well you will
feel bloated, stressed and wish you hadn’t.
Well, don’t do it! Change your approach...

What to do if you experience a reaction

As I said earlier, if you don’t react to a food it is moderately sound evidence
of adaptation. If you do react, on the other hand, it is pretty definite that
you are maladapted (intolerant) to that food. Neither outcome is proof
positive, but providing you follow the above procedure closely you should
be able to rely on the results. A reaction may mean either a single symptom
or that you feel quite ill with many. Regardless of how mild or severe it is,
you must wait until this clears up and you feel well again before proceeding
with further tests. This may be irksome, but is necessary in accordance with
the first point of the procedure outlined above.

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