Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Problem Situations You May Encounter in Elimination Dieting 199

the rest of us has to do, I think, with the fact they are conscientious and
careful about what they eat (rather than the fact that meat harms one). Most
of them gave up eating junk food long ago.
The main point of resistance, if I can call it that, is that some
vegetarians find it hard to believe that their cherished whole foods can
indeed be making them ill. But remember, I commented earlier that it is
rather difficult to get true whole foods these days. Whole wheat may be
whole, but is it also soaked in chemical sprays added to the crop before
harvesting and sometimes also in storage. If you react to wheat this might
be the reason, so it will pay you to test foods correctly by my method.

Take a day off from your food exclusions!

Here’s a useful tip. You can give yourself an occasional rest from
food exclusions. A drug called sodium cromoglycate (Cromolyn
or Nalcrom) was developed to prevent certain types of allergic
response (MAST cell breakdown). Unfortunately, it really doesn’t
work if you keep taking it. But if you use it just now and again,
it will provide enough protection to allow you to indulge your
food desires, once or twice a month.
Take it for the day leading up to the anniversary treat or
whatever “food holiday” you are planning. Take it the next day,
to provide continuing cover. Then stop. Give it a rest for a few

Dose: take one 200 mgm capsule four times aday, before meals.
Open the cromolyn capsule(s) and pour all of the powder into
one-half glass (4 ounces) of hot water. Stir the solution until the
powder is completely dissolved and the solution is clear. Then
add an equal amount (one-half glass) of cold water to the solu-
tion while stirring.
Drink all of the liquid to get the full dose of medicine.
Do not mix this medicine with fruit juice, milk, or food
because they may keep the medicine from working properly.

Caution: this is a prescription only medicine and your physician
will tell you to be careful if you have a history of kidney disease
or liver disease.
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