Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Problem Situations You May Encounter in Elimination Dieting 205

such as Ledercort, hydrocortisone or Efcortelan. But many are much more
obscure, such as Depomedrone.
A number of well-known creams and ointments are basically
steroid preparations, such as Betnovate, Dermovate and Synalar. Look for
the generic names betamethazone or dexamethazone. Incidentally, do not
be assured that active drugs are not absorbed from the skin when used
as unguents; they are, and this is of special concern with babies, who
may absorb enough in relation to their tiny body weight to constitute a
serious overdose. Many doctors do not seem to realize this important point.
Probably the best known of all steroid drugs is prednisolone. The most
widely prescribed is the birth control pill, which often is not thought of as
a steroid at all.
The advice you were given in connection with the drug may also
give you a clue. It is important not to cease taking the drug suddenly. Often
recommendations are given to reduce the dose steadily by one or two tablets
a day. If when doing this symptoms recur, you can be fairly certain you are
taking a steroid preparation.
If any glucocorticoids are given orally or by injection over a period
of more than a few days, side-effects common to this class of drugs may
occur. These can include:

  • Stomach upset, increased sensitivity to stomach acid to the point
    of ulceration of esophagus, stomach, and duodenum

  • Increased appetite leading to significant weight gain

  • A latent diabetes mellitus often becomes manifest. Glucose
    intolerance is worsened in patients with preexisting diabetes.

  • Immunsuppressant action, particularly if given together with
    other immunosuppressants such as ciclosporine. Bacterial,
    viral, and fungal disease may progress more easily and can
    become life-threatening. Fever as a warning symptom is often

  • Psychiatric disturbances, including personality changes,
    irritability, euphoria, mania

  • Osteoporosis under long term treatment, pathologic fractures
    (e.g., hip)

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