Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

216 Diet Wise

Finally, the filth

I’m reluctant to even mention the items in this section in a book on human
health and probably risk being heavily sued anyway. But I do feel it is right
for me to issue the warnings; it’s up to you whether you heed them or not.
On no account should you allow aspartame sweetener in your diet
or that of anyone you love or care about. None.
There is abundant scientific evidence to link aspartame and
glutamates to serious degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig
disease and Parkinsonism. Yet this substance is added as a sweetener to
countless sodas and food. Whenever you see the label “lite” or “diet” soda,
that would usually mean aspartame.
Did you know aspartame works fine as a poison for ants? Just
spread the powder on the floor, wait till they retrieve it and see them vanish.
With fire ants apparently you have to add a little moisture to dampen it,
before they will take it back to the nest. Within two days all evidence they
ever existed is gone.
It’s beyond belief that this substance was ever passed as safe for
human consumption. In fact the FDA opposed it for years – until President
Reagan had his man installed as the FDA Commissioner, who promptly
passed it as safe, despite all the studies which showed differently.
The same can be said of a product called Splenda™, the brand
name for sugar-derivative sucralose, made by UK sugar giants Tate and Lyle.
They cutely say it is made from sugar and is therefore “natural.” Nothing
could be further from the truth. Splenda™ is converted from cane sugar
to a chlorinated no-calorie sweetener which isn’t recognized as sugar by
the body and therefore is not metabolized. Anyone with an understanding
of basic biology would know that is a very dangerous thing to put in your
body. Just because it is of no use in healthy metabolism does not mean it
cannot get into our body chemistry and mess things up. In fact sucralose
raises blood levels of the main diabetes marker glycosylated hemoglobin
(Hba1C); that’s the one thing you want to keep down in diabetics.
Moreover animal studies show that sucralose fed to animals can
lead to damage to the liver and kidneys, spleen, thymus and lymph glands,
reduce growth and provoke problems with pregnancy.
The claim that sucralose passed adequate safety tests is disingenuous
at best, criminal more like. Only six trials were ever carried out on humans
and only two of the trials were completed and published before the FDA
rushed to approve sucralose for human consumption. In those two trials

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