Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1

224 Diet Wise

Another variation called the ELISA test (enzyme-labelled immuno
sorbent assay) is to label the anti-IgE with a color-generating chemical
(enzyme). After washing, adding a second enzyme releases the dye. Sensitive
spectrometry measures how much color is now present, hence giving an
indication of how much IgE is present.
This approach gives an exquisitely sensitive measurement of how
much antibody was present in the serum being tested, using only tiny
amounts of test solutions.
Trouble is, there are so many false negatives, particularly with
food reactions. This is partly what has fueled the myth that food allergy
reactions are rare. IgE is only one aspect of the allergy and intolerance
phenomenon and only a small part at that.
Conclusion: orthodox allergy testing for foods is virtually a
waste of time and resources. Even if you get a positive, the treatment
offered is not holistically-based but pharmacological.

Non-Conventional Allergy Testing Methods

These can generally be classified as the good, the bad and the
downright awful. Remember that the value in the test method may lie as
much in the treatment which goes with it as the actual technique itself. For
that reason I introduce first an entirely scientifically credible testing option,
which gives good accuracy and leads to a treatment method that has spelled
freedom and health for countless patients.
I myself have taken over 10,000 people through it over the decades
since I was shown it. This is how I made my amazing discoveries, like the
Irish boy allergic to potato (page 83). Conventional allergists fight it tooth
and nail, entirely through vested interest. The controversy rages on. You are
provided with some references to clinical trials in the appendix, which you
may pursue for yourself.
Other “alternative” methods you may encounter are described in
here outline. You can find more details on my website at: http://www.alternative-

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