Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Malabsorption and Leaky Gut 237

produce the acid, and is therefore an autoimmune disorder. Chronic
alcoholism is also a recognized cause. Finally, as we age, we secrete less and
less stomach acid until, by the age of 60, around 30% of the population
has achlorhydria. An extra complication is that the stomach is no longer
rendered sterile but bacteria can flourish, causing further damage to the
stomach and duodenal lining. Lack of stomach intrinsic factor, which aids
absorption of vitamin B12, can lead to pernicious anemia. Finally, if that
is not enough, cancer of the stomach is more prevalent in individuals with
Stomach digestion takes place at a pH as low as 2.0. This is an acid
strength capable of burning the skin and damaging fabrics. The arrival of
acidic stomach contents in the duodenum is a trigger for the secretion of
pancreatic enzymes and bile. These secretions are very alkaline: pH 8.0 or
more, because of the presence of large quantities of bicarbonate. pH is a
logarithmic scale (4.0 is ten times more acid than 5.0; 3.0 is ten times more
acid than 4.0) and so readings of these magnitudes mean that digestive
fluids are millions of times stronger than ordinary body fluids, which hover
very close to 7.4 (otherwise you die). Just remember these details next time
someone tries to persuade you that acid vs. alkaline foods influences body

The Heidelberg Gastrogram

This simple test has revolutionized the diagnosis of
hypochlorhydria. A holistic physician should be able to
arrange this for you.
The patient swallows a small capsule, which is in fact a
pH detector and radio-telemetry device. To trigger the acid
response the patient is asked to swallow water and sodium
bicarbonate. The capsule then measures the stomach
pH changes over time and then broadcasts it back to the
receiver. The resulting recording we call a gastrogram. The
capsule passes through the body and is excreted.
A simpler, cheaper but far less accurate alternative test
consists of swallowing a similar capsule or impregnated
pad on a string, which changes color at different pH
readings. The capsule or pad is retrieved by simply hauling
it back up the gullet.
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