Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
APPENDIX C: Seven-Day Stone Age Diet 279


Use cooked potato from the night before, slice thinly and sprinkle with
sea salt. Quickly fry in a small amount of oil until crisp.

Mushrooms, fried.

Banana slices make a good alternative to mushrooms, but don’t overcook


1 lb/455 g zucchini, chopped
1 ½ pints (850 ml or 3 cups) turkey stock (from giblets of yesterday’s
Salt and pepper to taste, 1 tsp oil
Lightly fry zucchini in oil and add stock, salt and pepper. Simmer for
half an hour, until the skins are soft. Liquidize. Make double quantities
and freeze for next week.

Main Meal
1 tbsp oil
Selection of at least 5 vegetables, chopped
Meat of choice (turkey leftovers?)
Salt and pepper to taste
Sweet potato (for side dish)

If possible, pre-heat your oven and put in a sweet potato to cook in its
skin. If you can arrange this, this will be a quick meal.

Pour oil into a heavy-lidded pan or wok. Add vegetables and cover for 3
minutes, shaking while cooking. Add cooked meat, salt and pepper. Cook
for 2-3 minutes.

Serve immediately with sweet potato. For extra flavor add coconut oil to
the sweet potato and sprinkle with powdered cinnamon or nutmeg.

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