Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
The Myths of Nutritional Medicine 23

remains in disguise. The official position is therefore false euphoria, and
until doctors are taught to diagnose the problem properly, this sort of
underestimation of the problem will continue.

The list could go on and on. This does not even take into account that
most physicians have never even heard of the problem of genetic variations
leading to individual unique food incompatibilities. I’m sure you’ve got the
point. Nonsense at this level is passed ’round and ’round and repeated so
often that it has become accepted as “scientific” and therefore true.
Nor are doctors the only ones who are guilty of ignorance and
disinformation. The major secrets I will reveal to you in this book are largely
unknown or disregarded by other health workers too, each with their own
axe to grind. There are an astonishing number of allergy “experts” out
there, offering advice and treatment, who have never been through med
school, and many of them, from what I read, have not even studied basic
You need to be informed in order to be protected. In any case, this
is a field where you really can do most of the investigations yourself, with
a little care and patience and by following closely the “game rules” I will
explain. That’s right: I often liken this to a game of allergy and intolerance

  • there are rules which you need to know, otherwise you cannot win. But
    they are not complicated or mysterious rules, just little known, except to a
    few. We can dispose of many health problems, but always remember this: if
    you have an allergy tendency or a genetic food incompatibility, it won’t go
    away. You need to be food wise all your life.

Four big secrets to healthy eating

I’m going to let you in on the two biggest secrets to healthy eating that I
know. I’m doing it now, rather than tease, so that you can begin to re-align
everything you know or have read, or think you know, with what follows in
this book, while bearing these important revolutionary facts in mind.

Ultimate Diet Principle 1.

Eating what you shouldn’t does far more harm than not eating what you should. This is
the opposite of parental nagging, which says things like “Eat your greens,”
and “You need the calcium in milk for strong bones and teeth.” Everyone
has certain foods which react un-typically; which stress up their metabolism

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