Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Introducing the Basic Elimination Concept 49

disease (gluten allergy). The majority of patients I found, even those who
felt well on a gluten-free regime, were not really gluten-sensitive but could
eat one or more of the other gluten-containing foods (the four gluten foods
are wheat, barley, rye and oats). In other words, for the vast majority, it is a
wheat sensitivity, not a gluten sensitivity.
I have an even more contentious observation to point out to those
steeped in false science: many patients report that they can eat white bread
but cannot tolerate wholemeal. This is not quite as paradoxical as it first
sounds: white bread is little more than powdered fluff, with the “wheatiness”
refined out of it. Only eating the whole grain product brings on symptoms.
While there are certain helpful nutrients in wheat germ, it can hardly be a
safe food for those who are made ill by it.
Just another reverse-truth discovered by actual observation, not

Milk is poison

Milk is another diet impostor. To listen to all the propaganda you would
get the impression that anyone who didn’t drink at least a pint of it a day
was inevitably doomed to ill health. In fact, the opposite is probably true:
millions of humans drink no milk at all and experience no deficiencies as a
result, but a great many are made sick, without knowing it, by a milk allergy
and intolerance. Children suffer particularly in this respect. Pumped full of
milk to ‘do them good’, many are victims of severe milk allergy and so are
constantly poorly with sore throats, runny noses, earache, ‘teething troubles,’
colic and a whole host of other childhood complaints which magically
disappear when that substance is removed from their diet. The fact is that
milk is not a natural food: no animal in nature drinks milk after its infancy,
and it is completely illogical to suppose that Man must be different.
The idea that we need milk for calcium is no more than marketing
propaganda. Consider this simple demographic: the USA, which has
the highest consumption of dairy products in the world, has the highest
incidence of osteoporosis. More women die of age-fracture of the femur
than die of breast cancer. While the Chinese, traditionally entirely dairy-free,
had no knowledge of osteoporosis. Once again, it is not genetic – Chinese
women who switch to our Western diet begin to develop osteoporosis very
rapidly. This is not hard to grasp if you understand that osteoporosis is a
nutritional disease, not simply a lack of calcium. Magnesium and boron are
actually far more valuable than calcium in promoting strong bones (400
mgm and 3 mgm daily, respectively).

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