Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Introducing the Basic Elimination Concept 55

the lathyrus bean (Lathyrus sativus) causes lathyrism, a permanent nerve
paralysis. When crops fail in Asia, starving people sow the bean and use it
to feed themselves but the result is a tragic outbreak of paraplegia. Naturally
occurring poisons that mimic organophosphates (developed as nerve gas
by the Nazis in World War II) are known to occur in plants of the genus
Solanum, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. Poisoning has
resulted from ingestion of potato sprouts, sprouted potatoes, and greened
potatoes. Symptoms of green potato poisoning include stomach pain,
nausea and vomiting, rapid and difficult respiration, and death. The humble
carrot also contains a nerve toxin. As someone joked, even the cabbage, if
it was subjected to safety tests such as drugs are subjected to, it would not
The fact is that many foods are toxic and we humans could not
normally eat them. Thorough cooking destroys most of the toxin (but not
all allergenicity), and A. C. Leopold and R. Arthrey have pointed out that
it is probably only since the advent of fire that man has been able to eat a
number of foods which are inherently toxic (Leopold, A. C. & Ardrey, R.
“Toxic substances in plants and food habits in Early Man, “ Science, 176,
512, 1972).
Historically, primitive Man’s conquest of his environment began as
a result of his being able to eat a much wider diet and so being able to increase
in terms of numbers which could be supported by a given acreage. Fire
(and cooking) may be the real reason for our mastery of the Earth and not
just tools, as is commonly supposed. These are interesting anthropological
speculations, and they put the enormous value of the discovery of fire into
perspective for us. If the theory is correct, it would mean that pulses, like
cereals and dairy produce, are relatively new food substances for us and that
we have not had long in which to adapt to them.
Remember this section when you encounter the persuasions of
total raw food enthusiasts.
Meantime, this is an allergy doctor telling you cook most food
reasonably. Do not overcook, because the browning effect which is
produced contains acrylamides. These substances are also nerve toxins and,
by the way, thought to be carcinogenic. Eat plenty of raw foods, especially
greens and fruit; you need the antioxidants and enzymes.
But remember, this book is different: nothing in general overrides
the fact that your own tolerances are unique. Whatever we establish, later in
the book, is bad for you, you must not eat.

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