Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1



INTRODUCTION Toxic Foods: The Original Detox Diet

  1. Pills for Everything 3

  2. Could a Toxic Food Be Spoiling Your Life? 11

  3. The Myths of Nutritional Medicine 21

  4. Cases, Cases, Cases 27

  5. Definition Time 39

  6. Introducing the Basic Elimination Diet 47

  7. The Hidden, or “Masking Effect” Explained 57

  8. Overload and Target Organs 65

  9. Brain Allergies 73

  10. Self Inventory 87

  11. The Elimination Diet Step 103

  12. What to do if the Diet Succeeds 123

  13. What to do if the Diet Fails 137

  14. The Fast: Only if You Must 151

  15. Controlling Your Diet: How to Stay Well 161

  16. Children as Special Patients 173

  17. Problem Situations You May Encounter in 195

Elimination Dieting

  1. Let’s Talk About Substitutes 209

  2. Testing For Allergies 221

  3. Malabsorption and Leaky Gut 233

  4. Candida and The Human Microbiome 249

Appendix A. Food Families

Appendix B. Food Contacts List

Appendix C. Seven-Day Stone Age Diet

Appendix D. Lower Your Pesticide Intake

Appendix E. Some Useful Addresses

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