Diet Wise Academy

(Steven Felgate) #1
Brain Allergies 81

Stimulatory and Withdrawal Levels and Manifestations

+4 manic, with or with-
out convusions

distraught, excited, agitated, enraged and panicky;
circuitous or one-track thoughts, muscle twitching
and jerking of extremities, convulsive siezures and
altered consciousness may develop.
+3 hypomanic, toxic,
anxious and ego-

aggressive, loquacious, clumsy (ataxic), anxious,
fearful and apprehensive, alternating chills and
flushing, ravenous hunger, excessive thirst; giggling
or pathological laughter may occur.

+2 hyperactive, ir-
ritable, hungry and

tense, jittery, hopped up, talkative, argumentative,
sensitive, overly responsive, self-centered, hungry
and thirsty; flushing, sweating and chilling may oc-
cur, as well as insomnia, alcoholism and obesity.

+1 stimulated but rela-
tively symptom free

active, alert, lively, responsive and enthusiastic, with
unimpaired ambition, energy, initiative and wit;
considerate of the views and actions of others; this
usually comes to be regarded as “normal” behavior.
0 behavior on an
even keel, as in

children expect this from their parents and teach-
ers, parents expect this from their children, we all
expect it from our associates.

-1 localized allergic

running or stuffy nose, clearing throat, coughing,
wheezing, itching, eczema and hives, gas, diarrhea,
constipation, colitic, urgency and frequency of
urination, various eye and ear syndromes.
-2 systemic allergic

tired, dopey, somnolent, mildly depressed, odema-
tous, with painful syndromes (headache, neckache,
backache, neuralgia, myalgia, myositis, arthralgia,
arthritis, arteritis, chest pain) and cardiovascular

-3 depressions and
distrurbed menta-

confused, indecisive, moody, sad, sullen, withdrawn
or apathetic; emotional instablity and impaired at-
tention, concentration, comprehension and thought
processes (loss of speech, mental lapses and black-
-4 severe depression,
with or without
lowered conscious-

non-responsive, lethargic, stuporose, disoriented,
melancholic, incontinent, regressive thinking,
paranoid orientations, delusions, hallucinations,
sometimes amnesia and finally comatose
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